dear bloggie,,
again new blog.hope this time i wont forget my email address or password AGAIN!!this is like don't know my number what blog already i have created.haha.hmm.let's see what happened recently.ermmmmmmmm.there's lots of things that i want to crap right now but i will just crap bout today and yesterday.
i went out wit the po,,pui,,wong,,poh teng,,kuanmaymay and pingping.it's raining heavily.ate at the pann mee stall.long time didn't eat at there already.the food price had increased by 30cent already.they ate pan mee.but i ate 'mee basi'.haha.did't eat mee basi in ages already.so miss 'mee basi'.haha.then i fell down at somewhere.OMG.it was so funny.really really very very funny. wong laughed and laughed at me.i also cannot stop laughing.my slipper was like so super slippery then my slipper also haus already.i hate raining day.i always have bad luck on raining day.it's not the first time already that i got embarassing moment on raining day.like last time when i was form4.it was raining really heavily.then the umbrella which i was holding fly up then my slipper slipped into a pool of water/then i like have to picked up my slipper from the pool of water.
then we walked to metro and i went to find timtim at his father shop.but he was not there.the helper said that he stayed at home and he won't be going to the shop.then later at 2.30pm they went to their chemistry tuition and i went home.
*the end*
today i also went out with them.hmm.i like going out with themit's very fun.can chit chat and laugh and also play.today i fetched wong and puipui from wong's house.i feel very funny la.i duno why.i just feel like laughing.i didn't talk to them inside the car.i don't dare to talk to them in the car.i don't know why.
then reach metro around 12 like that.when we at outside guardian wong saw timtim.then im like yea in my heart.haha.then after that i went to find him at his shop.talk for a while then i chao la because he was like very busy.after talking to him,, i went to find them at entrance la.po was at there already.then later they bullied me.
after that we went to eat.we ate at baker cottage.i ate creamy mushroom spaghetti.others also ate the same.
then we went to giant.then i and pui looked up at the silling to find the camera to talk to.stupid right?haha.then later they all like berpakat want to pass by timtim shop.then they all passed by and timtim like huhhh "why so beramai wan?".after that all went to watson but i chao first.before i chao i went to timtim shop again.yea i know im like very mengatal right?haha.then i went to talk to him for a while.then after that i chao went home.
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