dear bloggie,,
look at what my horoscopes says again.
Are you getting bored? The best cure for an uninteresting life is to take a few risks! So today, try to put yourself in a situation where you could be rejected -- or at least come out with less than you put in. You shouldn't do anything too silly, like spend your life savings on lottery tickets, but you should do something a little risque. Maybe it is time to ask that certain someone out, try out a trendy new fashion look, or try your hand at a complicated gourmet dinner.
haha.its like what am i feeling right now.bored want something interesting and new in life.haha.at least i cut my hair a bit in the front and my fountain back so that my hair wont be so leper.haha.im like really very scared when want to cut my hair again because i scared that my hair will be u.g.l.y like last time.haha.so i also don't dare to cut a lot.i also don't know why i like to jadikan my hair as mangsa.when want something new, oo cut hair.there is something wrong with me.there is like a part of me like my hair being U.G.L.Y.
now im like enjoy reading biology.tomorrow is biology and science paper.so scared but i also don't know why im like also like very relax at the same time.but tomorrow have to go home at 3.30 pm.because of science paper 2.taking science paper 2 after school.
ok.get to get bac to my study.