dear bloggie,,
today i went out to kajang.so at first,, papa sent me to ah wong house at reko.then,, i chat with wong about what timtim had said yesterday,, my weird dreams and all other kind of things la.suddenly wong received message from kuan may that today got no tuition.so the outing and eating plan cancel.then,, i was like huhh.i already at outside,, here at wong house.then nevermind la,,since they don't wanT to come out so i just went to kajang with wong and meet soke yin at metro.we ate at baker cottage for lunch.soke yin wanted to go to kajang because she wanted to tilik her nasib with this one auntie.then,, when soke yin went to tilik her nasib,, i chao first then met ping on the way.talked to her for a while then went to bus stop to wait for bus.at bus stop,, while waiting for bus to come,, i messaged with po. i like tell her that i went to kajang and eat alone.wong didn't want to follow me to kajang because she wanted to study.then i also like add up some stories to make myself look pity and make her feel guilty for not coming out.haha.
hmm.nothing much la happen this day.it's a very dull day.
finally,, i finished reading form 4's sejarah chapters.but now,, im having hard time to read the form 5's chapters.i don't know why i always have hard time to study sejarah.like always.will feel very pressured and my brain jam.i really hope that my brain is a vacuum could suck every single word that i read in sejarah.
i also not having a good night sleep.i always sleep really late because of studying then i would woke up in the early morning.don't know why.my brain also like x sempat want to take some rest.i also woke up easily in not a good,, nice,, pleasant way : when i heard mummy shout in the early morning.i don't know why she like to shout a lot in the early of morning.
just now i chat with law at msn and asked him give me some pics to edit.then he gave a pic of him and sanisha.then i edit the pic till like this.
take a good look at it.what u see is always correct like what u think.haha

when i showed law this pic he was like so fucking shock.don't know what's the big deal la.haha.
i sent him this pics at fs.then he like go and kenakan me balik by curi my pic from somewhere and edit it tim tim i love,, would u marry me.stupid la him.i also send sanisha this pic at fs.wonder what is her reaction after seeing this pic.haha.
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