dear bloggie,,
today is so fucking hot.seems like someone go and increase the earth temperature to 42 celcius.i feel like dying!
yesterday night,, i had a really bad dream.it's about him.don't know why suddenly i can dream of such thing.i dream that we were sitting in the same bus.stupid dream la.don't wan to talk about it.
yesterday noon,, big sis brought me and meiyi to jusco balakong to watch muvee.i ditched my biology study and tagged along with them.haha.we watched MY BEST FRIEND'S GIRL.staring kate hudson,, dane cook and jason biggs.it's a really nice muvee.got lots of porny jokes.haha.it's 18pl muvee.but the people didn't check mine and meiyi's ic.so we just enter only.the meiyi was so funny.because she scared that people might know that she is underage so she like go jeling the people so maturely.haha.

*big sigh*.i had to get back to my study.
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