dear bloggie,,
i didn't blog like don't know for how many years already.haha.now im like kind of lazy want to blog because of the computer spoil already AGAIN.then must use the laptop to online and the laptop keypad is like so hard want to type.haha.so like got no mood want to blog.but today im so free.so i want to blog lots lots of things.
first of all, EXAM is like finally over.oh my goodness shit.like it's really over.u don't know how relieved i feel.i really feel like hell during the exam.but im not like the really yea exam is over.because the end of this exam is like the beginning of something that is SPM!!!IM LIK SO BLODDY SCARED RITE NOW.U CAN'T IMAGINE HOW SCARED AM I.seriously.i don't know why im so scared but im scared.but im lik too scared till too lazy want to bother.do u know what do i mean.haha.seriously.i always think, laaa later la only start study.there's like too many to begin with and i don't know what to begin first.so, when i can't figure out what to begin first, im like too no mood and lazy want to study.haha.all i did during my holiday which going to end by today is some add maths practice on progression chapter.little on linear law and intergration.haaa.see.that's only what i afford to do during my 1 whole week of holiday.moreover.now im like not pretty sure whether that i want to be a pilot or not.i can't feel the passion like how i felt last time.not like im hangat - hangat tahi ayam or what.but it's because lots of reasons.like im not tall enough.plus, after the add maths paper i really feel that im super idiot.plus with all the physics thing, u know the electric stuff.it's like so hard.but to become a pilot u must be good in all that stuff.and also must be tall.i like jump everyday but also could not get any taller wan.but i really do want to become a pilot.but yet who wants la a short plum dumb idiot pilot!!!!!*big sigh*.but i don't want to give up.*big sigh*.the only person that i know who is really really qualified to become a pilot is mtv.ahahaha.he is good in add maths, physics and the most important, he is tall.
tomorrow school is going to start.im like so scared want to go to school because we will getting back all our exam paper.and i know i won't be getting good marks.im like really scared want to get back all the exam paper.never mind la.maybe this is also a good thing because when i get low mark i will always like get some kind of tamparan then i will study hard like hell then yea maybe straight A's in spm.haha.i hope.keep dreaming la.but seriously.i hope this to happen.haha.
another one more thing i don't feel like going to school because i know that i won't be seeing timtim.he told me that he won't be going to school till november because he has to help his mum at shop in sunway lagoon something like that la.*big sigh*.why sunway lagoon why not some where at kajang.then can go see him.i already like heart break when during exam cannot get to see him.then, now when school want to start already, he pulak want to go to work.that's mean i will not be seeing him for 2 months.one month during exam time and another month he help his mum at shop.*big sigh*.if i know la.that day i will definitely go to kajang and see him.why la i didn't go to kajang that day.now i lost the only opportunity to see him.(i sound like a slut yang sangat mengatal.HAHAHA.)
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