dear bloggie,,
hmm.there is actually no gerak gempur at all.the time table for gerak gempur exam that they send to me is actually yu hua school wan.but im like kind of sad that there is no gerak gempur.because if there is gerak gempur,, we will study.so it's a good thing.it like make us study even we want or don't want.let's see.because of this 'fake' gerak gempur exam,, i study a lot in add maths,, physics and chemistry already.but not much on biology.i don't like biology and it craps a lot bout stupid body system,, bones and environment.stuff like that la.the not interesting stuff.haha.
today is a stupid day for me.let's see why is it.first,, im like feel really stress in the early morning.i don't know why.maybe the 'fake' gerak gempur make me pressure.then,, today is another fucking hot day.feel like in a dessert.the hotness make me feel so sleepy and sweaty at the same time.i also did a very stupid thing during bi class today.like,, when the pn jamilah want to get out from the class i like shouted "ey,, she don't want to give us our essay paper r?".and she heard it.then she like very irritated with me and she put the essay paper on aghilan's table and went out with a very sulky face.her face also always look like that all the time.haha.then my hp is another thing that like to make my life harder.see.after studying so hard,, i just want to rest and play the games that i have in my hp.but unfortunately,, i cant because i my hp battery is low and i have no charger to charge my hp battery.i also wanted to listen to songs.then like whenever and whoever is using the computer,, i will like run to the computer to charge my hp by connecting my hp to the computer by usb port.stupid and pity me right?haha.
*big sigh*.i got all my trial paper result already.and the overall result is :
Bahasa Melayu : 75 (A1)
Bahasa Inggeris : 63 (B4)
Mathematics : 79 (A1)
Pendidikan Moral : 71(A2)
Sejarah : 84 (A1)
English For Science and Technology : 76 (A1)
Additional Mathemtics : 44 (D8)
Physics : 46 (D7)
Biology : 55 (C6)
Chemistry : 40 (D8)
Science : 71 (A2)
Ekonomi Asas : 69 (B3)
overall : 4 A1, 2 A2, 1 B3, 1 B4, 1 C6, 2 D8, 1 D7
*big sigh*.have to study much much harder for spm la.
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