dear bloggie,,
nowadays i feel really annoyed with nearly everyone in my life.someone who keep disturb me by calling me.i really don't want to talk to that person.i feel very lazy have to pretend to layan all these people although deep in my heart i don't want to have anything to do with them.then this someone also try to enter my life again.please don't disturb my peaceful life.i have my own life and u have yours so just keep that way la.
i also very very annoyed with someone at work place.*big sigh*.don't want to mention the name.why this person can like that.keep hunting my dream some more.enough la at workplace i also feel annoyed with u then suddenly keep on appear in my dream.
then also with ths one girl.i don't mind if u are reading this.but i hope u know how i feel.i try to be nice with u but why u want make things complicated.maybe there is something that make u like that.but u can just tell me.i will help if i can.and please don't start back all the counfusion when i ask.
then with the guys at work place really really very super mengatal.they are like so mengatal until cannot diselamatkan already wan.i don't know what's wrong with them.they like to keep stare at me and keep come to me and tell me that im pretty.if im pretty or what mind your bussiness la.think i need u tell me r??even if im not pretty i also don't want u to tell me that im pretty le.they are so fucking disgusting.then i have to layan them friendly and cannot act sombong.
then with my parents also.especially papa.so irritating la him.sometimes i really cannot stand him la.i don't know what is his problem.
please,, please,, please,, i seriously need a get-away from all human beings and be alone in a far far place where there is no single human being.
at the same time,, i also really miss some of my friends.
i so miss pui,, po,, wong and law.
i want to go pui house like i always used to like last time and open her fridge and eat all her chocolates.
i want have a really long long chat with po because she seems like the person who can talk about every single things.
i want to play with wong and like kutuk each other habis habisan.
i also want to chat with law at mcD like the same old time we used to.
hmmm.i really feel like crying right now already.
i also vey annoyed with my hp right now.what is the wrong with u la???try to connect u with the computer cannot!
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