dear bloggie,,
im feeling like a shit right now.my life is like a shit.i don't know how to appreciate my life if my life is like a shit.i have dreams but my dreams won't come true because of my un-supportive parents and all those people who discriminate girls.i wanted to become a pilot but i can't.because im POOR.i don't know what i want besides being a pilot.civil engineer???im kind of ok ok but then i don't know.i really hate this stupid stage of life.before this everything seems so easy and simple.but now we have to decide our future.no i cannot decide my own future i have to follow what mummy WANTS FOR MY FUTURE.i really want to run away to somewhere where there is no people bothering me and be alone peacefully.i really can't stand all these pressure and conflicts in my heart.yeayea i know what u all thinks.u all sure think im some kind of freaks yang sengaja cari masalah hati.well im not,, all those thing just pop up out of no where and bother my heart and mind.then this mummy keep on forcing me to do form 6.i know i x mampu wan la want to do stpm.no matter how many times i tell her she doesn't care.she very selfish.she only KNOW bout what she want for us but she never think what we want for ourselves.i really hate her right now.i really need someone to talk to from heart to heart but there seems like no one understand how i feel or what.i really feel like giving up studying because it really menyusahkan.why just can't just start work only??we study just to get a better job only right.i feel that my head is going to burst la..maybe i should just,, i don't know.my life is a piece of shit and i don't know what is the meaning and point of life.yea yea i know i must appreciate life because life is a wonderful thing and we only get to live life once but then how am i suppose to appreciate my life when my life is a piece of shit!!
okok.after all these conflicts in my heart,, i finally think maybe life isn't that hard or what.maybe i should just follow what my mummy say study the damn form 6.but then i don't know.im not sure.i really hope there's a someone save me from all these thing or help me make my wish come true.or maybe this is it just study form6 to make everything easier.easier for mummy but is it easier for me.it maybe easier for my life but this is not what i want.but everything is solve if i just study the damn form6.but i don't know la.just please someone help me...*big sigh*. i don't know la.
i just hope i won't regret in the end.i don't want to live my life regret -ing.