dear bloggie,,
now i really feel like a shit.seriously.i don't know what can make me feel better.my life is sucks.totally sucks.i really hate my life.im not happy with my life.i don't feel good being myself like other people feel good being themselves.i don't know what can make me feel better.the stupider thing is im like emo-ing at puipui house while she is sleepina.isn't that weird and very stupid!!.like some kind of freak.but seriously i really feel like a shit.
im very super jealous with everyone.
everyone is happy being themselves.they are like have no conflicts in themselves like me which always have conflict in myself.
im like bloody hate myself like hell for no reason.
no there's lots of reasons why i hate myself
1.i have short legs!i finally realized that im short because my legs are short.my legs are like only 65cm i guess.i don't know but something like around 60 to 70 cm..
2.i look like a pig!im not pretty like everyone else.i don't take nice photo.all my pics are like super ugly and i have to edit my pics to cover it.even after edit,, my pics still look UGLY
3.i speak stupid english.i don't even think that im speakina english.my english is like super teruk.right??.u can read it from my blog.i've been speaking english my whole life.but i still i speaking broken english.
4.im not happy from the inside.i don't know why
5.im dumb
6.i don't feel good bout myself
7.i actually have an evil heart
8.im fat
9.i wanted to be a pilot but im poor
10.i like to talk big
11.im not grateful with the thing i have.i wish i could really appreciate with what i have
12.i think im kind of hippo-crite
13.i think im a person who likes to pretend.pretendious me
14.my brain hard to interpret the things or changes around me
15.i think i always try to hard to make people like me???
16.i hate the fact i hate myself
17.im no one to people
18.i don't look at the bright side of something but always look at the bad side of something
19.i don't have a forgiving heart
20.my life is like super pathetic
21.i always regret with decision i made.i hate to regret.the feeling sucks
22.i spend every each of my hard earned money on nothing and then regret about it
23.im a stupid spender
24.im selfish
25.i hate that im always disapoint people especially myself
26.im a failure
is there anyway i could be a better person.i don't feel proud of myself at all seriously.i really wish i could be a person that im proud being and not regret with everything that happened in my life.please someone save me.is there anyone could understand what i feel right now.
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