dear bloggie,,
hmmm since now the segi like x menjadi i have to re-plan again my studies.hmm let me list the options that i have now and what is the pros and cons.
1.go nottingham and study foundation in engineering then degree in chemical with environmental engineering.
pros:1st of all i can stay at home.don't need to pay for my accodomation fees or whatever.transport is also available.nottingham is also from uk and very prestiges.then when we graduates we get degree certificate from uk uni.
cons:1st of all, i have no money!!well for degree maybe can get full scholarship but foundation only 30%.the rest must pay ownself and cannot borrow from ptptn.2nd,study there might be very stressful because the syllabus all from uk so it will e really very hard then i also must study my ass off to maintain the scholarships.i cannot feel the exprience of staying away from home.
2.go to segi,study diploma in civil engineering and apply all the scholarships offer.
pros:lots of scholarship offer and i can feel the exprience of staying away from home and segi kota damansara is near to one utama.
cons:too far away from home.could only get diploma certificate.not interested with segi.
3.go to uniten and borrow from ptptn to cover finish up the fees
pros:uniten is a good local u and specialised in engineering.price quite ok.58680 for foundation + degree.its only at bangi.
cons:borrow too much from ptptn don't know when only can pay finish.
4.study form 6.
pros:can go to school back with po,poh teng,wong.and also cheap.
cons:stpm is so hard!!!
5.don't need to study just find a job and start working.
pros:life would be much easier and happier and more free
cons:i would work like slave when i am old.
6.study at ytl-ichm
pros:i guaranteed a job in one of ytl hotel and the course is only 25000
cons:i only get diploma certificate
7.stay at home and wait to be married.
pros:life would be much easier and happier
cons:i miss out all the u or college life
hmmm.i cannot think of any other options already.these are the only options i could think now.
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