wong gave me my birthday present long ago.she had gave me something that i never expected to get as my birthday present.that day we went to midV together with the others.after watching muvee,she and pui went to other place sneak-ly.then when she was back she quickly put something into my bag.then im like haa what happen.then she said it's my birthday present.don't look at it wait till i went home only look at it.she said it's something very useful.than im like thinking what breath freshener or deodorant.i think that maybe she thinks that my breath stink or my armpits are smelly but she doesn't dare to tell me straight to my face but hint me by buying stuff.haha.then im like keep asking her to allow me see then she said see la.when i first look at it.i don't know what it is and have no idea at all.im like thinking why she want to give me a glass tube.
wait i upload the pics of the present and try to think yourself what is it.hehe
wait i upload the pics of the present and try to think yourself what is it.hehe
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can u guess it?
it's actually a condom.that im like huhh.what la.im like looking at condom in public and try to figure what is it.she bought it from the 18++ shop.i don't know what the shop call.haha.well it's a very speacial gift.
it's actually a condom.that im like huhh.what la.im like looking at condom in public and try to figure what is it.she bought it from the 18++ shop.i don't know what the shop call.haha.well it's a very speacial gift.
thank u ah wong.
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