dear bloggie,,
hmm.i know its 2 something in the morning and im blogging.not that im like sleeping late and ecxited blogging because i just got back the internet connection.but its because i cant sleep.i don't know why.even before this when there is no internet connection i would like sleep around 5.i went to bed earlier but my eyes and brain dont get along.my brain told my eyes to sleep but my eyes wouldn't litsen.haha.whatever.crappy.so just now i went to the pictures folder to find some pics to wash tomorrow.but i can find any nice pics of me with friends togethr.and i also realised that we took so little pics only.haar.
hmm.lets see what crap that i missed out to blog.ermmmm.
ohh.first of all.i got uniten offer letter already.im like so happy because now when people ask me where and what am i going to study i can answer them.not like errr.i don't know.
can't really remember much la.i just stayed at home only.so what any speacial or nice thing could happen.
hmm.tuesday i went to the hotel to take my miserable rm32 after so long.like almost two months.after taking the money i went to the cafe and meet the abang and kakak.i saw kak nurul from the outside then i try to give signal at her she didn't notice me.but i don't want to enter the cafe first because i saw saifuddin.i wait for he to walked away first only i enter in.so i enter in suddenly everyone at the front counter like very exicted to see me.haha.at first i don't feel like seeing them because i scared there might no people want to layan me.kak nurul is like so happy to see me.she's like "grace,, da lame x jumpa tau.tadi kat tempat rokok baru je akak cakap tentang grace dengan steve". then im like haa.yerr.she still remember me and bother to talk about me.haha.i thought everyone would forget about me.then,, suddenly thiban came.for the first time,, he greet me with smile.haha.kak ayu also with steve and abang hamid.so chit chat for a while with them.they keep on said that i already fat.:( truth hurts.haha.so i chat with kak nurul la.suddenly i feel very missed her and remember all the moments.she is like a big sis to me.she like very menjaga me only.like last time i broke something then my face like very scared and worried because i scared the saifuddin would scold me but then the kak nurul said "jangan lah bimbang.kalau ada pape akak akan cover up untuk grace".then she also always assign me the easy easy duty at cafe.haha.i really missed her.she is like the oldest person who i got really good chemistry with.she is also like the person that i can talk anything with.like even she is adult she also like bother to listen to all my highschool's craps.haha.so she invited me to her wedding.and now i have to think what to give her during her wedding.maybe i would make a bog special card for her.i don't know.then i also chat with thiban.he is also one of the oldest people that i can along with very well.we like also got very good chemistry.but he got very hot temper.very irritating.he's like very easy melenting.i kind of miss him also.didn't talk much to the rest.oh yea.i also got new part time job from the hotel.its with banquet.the guy like ask me u are not working with cafe already r?work with banquet la.we will call u next week.i don't know whether they will call anot but i hope so.because i really need money now.plus the banquet also offer good pays.rm5 per hour.
so nothing much this week.going out tomorrow with lawr.haha.cant wait because very long didn't go to midv.i miss midv so much.haha.i also miss my BFF.HAHAHA.
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