dear bloggie,,
my more than half a year holiday will going to end in 9 days more.sobsobsob.i don't want to start study soon.i don't feel that im ready yet ; emotionally, mentally and physically.i wonder how will my brain start to interpret stuff that im going to study soon.and the stuff im going to study is not light stuff but really heavy stuff like calculus,well stuff like that la.but what i know there will be lots of number swirling in my mind like tornadoes and i would get a real bad headache after looking at all these number after 3o seconds.then there also will be lots of formulas to memorize but now that my brain is already hard like a rock would definitely having hard time to memorize all the formula or definitions or other craps.well u know la.all the stuff that has to to with science will always have lots of number, definitions and formulas.i wonder how all these things exist.who invent all these crap.how come they are like too free to investigate this and that or interpret or observing their surrounding to invent craps that will menyusahkan generasi muda yang akan datang.don't they have social life or maybe because they are like too smart and dorky then they don't have friends.HAHA.evil opinion.who says people that are dorky and nerdy cannot have friends.maybe they are WEIRD but don't discriminate these people la.haha.even im also one of them.the most important is someone heart.haha.corny me.
hmm.yea.just ignore my sarcasm and racism about uniten in my last post.i have been doing lots of thinking lately. i think thinking is a healthy activity as thinking can make u mature dari segi pemikiran and the mind will start to develope it's curious-ness.haha.so it's a good healthy thing. here what i have been thinking lately.i think that i should not discriminate or look at people by their dressing or skin color.i always do that and it's not good.i think that the most important is the people are sincere.nowadays i really scared of human being nowadays.their animal side in themselves like semakin menjadi-jadi.they are really scary and full of bad intentions in their heart under their fake friendly or kind face toward us. it's very scary as human are really unpredictable.so, now i wont mind what kind of friends that i will be having in uniten.i just hope i will have friends that are kind, sincere, not fake, loud, talkative, open-minded, well in short words same like me.haha. i know i won't find the people that i really want.if i want to find these people maybe i can just drag lawr, pui or po or maybe suba and wong to uniten together with me.i just hope the friends that i will get are and sincere and most important not fake no matter what are their skin color.
but still im very scared to start the new phase in my life.i really feel very scared and the pressure in my head getting heavier whenever i think about the new life that im going to start soon in 9 days more.i have to stay away from home with strangers that i might never meet my whole life and then suddenly i have to share room and house with the someone for the next five years.i also very scared that im might be getting room mates that might have very weird habits like they only like to wear their undies on only.haha.still ok la.but what if the person like likes to brush her armpit with her tooth brush or eat her tahi hidung.OMG.i really hope that i won't meet people with weird habits.
plus, im the person that very hard to make new friends.haha.like at first when i shift to smkjb,i only have like two close friends and the others are like classmates only.then, when during form4 i only started to have more friends.u see.i take a year to have friends.i don't know why but people say that the my kemasaman muka always make people distant from me.like hafiz.he is always get very irritated with my muka yang masam.i never thought that my face is so masam.so, i also will be having hard time to suit myself into new environment and strangers.
so 9 days more left.i have to start to shift in to uniten on 27 june and the next day, orientation start for a week.
holiday only have 9 days left.list to do before holiday end :
list to do before holidays end1. help mummy to clean the house ; washing toilets, mopping floor, cleaning her kitchen, etc
2. go for one last more shopping spree
3. watch transformer
4. clean the room ! the room is so fucking messy
5. my wardrobe makeover?
6. wash all my pink tote bags
7. visit the school that had burnt badly
8.blogging, blogging, blogging till the hell out of me while i still have the chance.
9. do lots and lots more of thinking
10. ?????
so far these only my list to do and im still thinking.
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