dear bloggie,,
this is my hundredth posts. like finally i reach the hundredth posts.
im still not in the good mood.i don't know what to do to make myself feel better.i don't know why nowadays i get emotionally affected so easily.and seriously i don't know what are the things that bugging me and make feel so unhappy.
maybe instead of merungut about my moodi-ness maybe i should try to list down all the happy moments and things that im grateful with.
my happy moments :
1.swimming at the pool
2.celebrating lawr's birthday
3.4th of july
4.shopping with po, pui, wong, pohteng, ping and kuanmay
5.chemistry lab :)
6.playing with enen
7.bitching together with sulee
8.saw yeng-ish (but now cannot look at him already,he has a gf)
9.laugh like hell when chatting together with old friends
10.hanging out with good old friends
11.spm result day?
12.the end of spm day :)
13.a day out with lawr
14.sipping chocolate cream chips starbucks
15.bitching about pn jamilah at class
16.during school days
17.bitching at mcd after school like no other people business
18.pizzahut moment after est spm paper
haiyo.how come got so little happy moments in my life.i should concentrate more to create more happy moments in my life la instead of emo - ing.
things that im grateful with :
1.im glad that i study at uniten
2.im glad that sulee is my friend there.i cannot live without her at uniten.HAHA
3.im glad that i get to know po, she is the person that i always like to complain everything at and she seems to can connect to whatever i said
4.im grateful that meiyi is my sis although we cannot click in most of the times
5.im grateful that i have enen in my life.she bring so much happiness into my life
6.im grateful that my hostel got tv.thanks to sulee
7.im grateful that i get good housemates and not bitchy one
8.im grateful that i have good swimming instructor
9.im grateful that all my classes start at 9 in the morning
10.im grateful that ali didn't stalk me like how abbas stalk sulee
11.im grateful that i can blog about the things that im grateful with and it makes me feel better already
12.somehow, sometimes i glad that im short
13.im grateful that i get to know pui in my life.she also has bring so much joy into my life
14.im happy that uniten has a big swimming pool
15.im grateful that i stay at kajang
16.im grateful that i have my big pinkie baggie.i can stuff almost everyting inside that bag
17.im grateful that i shift to smkjb to study and get to know so much new great friends there
18.im glad that i have my red sandals.i love it very much
19.im grateful that i have mummy as my mummy
20.somehow, sometimes im glad that im banana
21.lastly but not least, im glad that mr lawrence ng wai leong is my BFF.HAHA.
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