dear bloggie,,
the internet here at uniten really sucks la.i like cannot open blogger for a few days and i don't have the oppoturnity to blog at home.
ok let's see what are the things that bothering me today.i don't know what are the things that bothering me but i feel so not in peace today.i started my day well i think.this morning when i walked out from the apartment to class i was thinking what a nice day.but then my day didn't turn our be so good for i don't know what reasons.why is it?serious serously i really don't know what are the things that bothering me.i feel so moody and sad right now.i feel like burts into tcrying like hell but i cannot.maybe because my tahap kesedihan belum sampai to crying but somehow i feel sad.i fel sad for some reasons that i cannot tell here.too personal already and i will keep all to myself only.but i can tell what are the other reasons that make me feel moody or whatever not good mood im having.
1.i didn't do well in my computing skills quiz AGAIN.seriously la, i really don't what the is question crapping.im having hard time reading and memoriing what i had read i computing skill because theirlanguage is like robo's language.get what i mean?never mind la.
2.suddenly the calculus lecturer said that test will be coming out till topic 2.5.im like dia la this time.before that other people said that the test will be only up to topic 2.1.but now suddenly until 2.5.where can study in time la.some more this weekend im going to the green camp.and i only just finished study chapter 1.and somemore i sleep at class during lecture.i like really reallly don't know what is happening in calculus.even today the narin like warn me.he said i better study like hell now in calculus because teacher already enter the hard part and im useless because sleep during class and not bother to know what happen during class.plus, we are also NOT ALLOWED TO USE CALCULATOR during test!like huhh?it's calculus la.if it's math then ok la.stupid la.i really feel like stopping study right now.the pressure is like very big and i cannot handle it.i think i might collapsed any moment.
3.im suppose to go swimming tonight, rig
ht now but im blogging here.because there is no one wana go swimming so i like merajuk here alone without anyone noticing.HAHA.no la.

4.i did something really embarassing during computing skill class.
5.i think that im too loud already la.i think should keep low profile a bit.i like talk too loud until everyone look and shhh at me at class.i really wish that im a sof spoken person and don't put talking as my number 1 priority list to do everyday.sometime i wish if i could just keep my mouth shut like real shut and hardly talk to people so that i wont embarrased myself or what.
im seriously not in a good mood right now.like i said i want to get far away from everyone and go on a vacation in an isolated island for 1287237823487523785475472542374527 days!
i think i wana change myself into becoming a emo.i mean the real emo freak like that.like do blonde or pink highlight to my hair, wear like very dark black eyeliner and put on a red blood lipstick,pierce all over my body,wear tight black t-shirt and mini skirt with fish net on and also a pair of fisherman boot,listening to dark music that sing they hate life and everything,and don't talk to people and stared at people very fiercely whenever people do eye contact with me and make them scared till they pee in their pant.HAHA.haiyo.i feel very moody la.someone please help me la with my calculus study.test is on next tues, 8.30 night.it's like in a week more.
haih.this isn't helping.i will just stop crapping here and go bath la and pretend that im swimming in the toilet.HAHA.
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