dear bloggie,,
i just dye my hair red in color.well,its not exactly red.something like bree van de kamp but brownish a bit.and not me the one who choose the color but big sis.at first im not sure want to dye or not because the color like very auntie-ish but somehow i just cross my finger and dye.it turn out to be nice.for me la. i like it.i dont know what the other will think when they see my hair and i tak kisah pun!.meiyi also said my hair nice but mummy said i look like a lala mui.well,its not that gold infact its not gold at all la.she always like that wan.when people dye hair no matter what color she will say that people look like a lala mui.what la.
currently, im strugling with my calculus study.i dont know why but i feel like im 10 times dumber compared to my intelligence last time.not that i want to show off that im smart or what but seriously i feel that im 10 time dumber.i dont know what had make me dumber and i wonder what.like last time when study add maths for the first time memang like very hard but not hard like this calculus.i get to understand and do add maths like after study it for ten times but with this calculus like no matter how many time i study it i will not get to understand and do it all.seriously.how la.
haiyo, next next friday, 11 09 09 got calculus test 2.like in two weeks more and i really need to get study right now because i really cannot understand any single crap in chapter two.stupid la me.why am i so stupid?if want to be stupid dont la choose this important moment to be stupid. haiyo !
in a month and two weeks more, there will be final exam.then break for two weeks then sem 2 start.haih.how come time pass like so fast wan.12 october will be final exam.so scary.thats mean i got a month and two weeks more to prepare.atleast its a good start right that i realize bout it early.
haih.time really pass that very fast.i just feel like yesterday was the first day i make my first step to uniten with the gemuruh jiwa song terngiang ngiang in my ear.how come time pass really fast.haiyo can the time freeze atleast for a month and let me take a very deep breathe. please.right now i feel very stress.i have to study hard.gpa must atleast 3 and the above.haha.i lower-kan my target already.
ok la go study la me.
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