dear bloggie,,
tonight i have to go back to uniten.i feel like kind of reluctant to go back to uniten.i dont know why.ala.who wont feel that way la.got classes and yuckee food.HAHA.then have to walk under hot sun and im still not 100 % recover.then there is physics lab also tomorrow.*big sigh*
so, i have been sick for the past four days like that.since last friday afternoon.i thought i will get well soon like at night or the next morning.then mana tahu my sick get even worse on sunday.then went to see doctor on sunday evening because i want to get mc if not i wouldnt bother pun want to go see doctor.then the doctor checked my body temperature is 38.9 celcius.like walao.so high le.i was like so suprised because i didnt shiver and some more i didnt la like feel that sick.then the doctor checked my throat then he said my throat very swollen.im like huhh.i dont feel pain also.then the doctor like so mengada said u will later.but until now i didnt feel any pain also.then the doctor want to put something disgusting to my throat.its like iodine like that.he like asked me to ahhh opened my mouth.then im like do my very irritating disgusted face said 'yerr, whats that i dont want'.then the doctor like very irriatted with me asked 'u sure r u dont want' and then throw the digusting thing away.so i only get mc for two days.mummy tried to ask for three days but the doctor is like so bloody mengada said cannot.he said if i havent still recover in these two days then i have to come back and do h1n1 test and he will give extra mc.stupid la.somemore ask people to do h1n1 test.
so i have physics test on this coming thursday.i havent really study yet.u know la when your brain dah kena drug its like very hard want to stay awake and be sober.how want to read all those craps and interpret in my damn bloody brain.so i have to study pyhsic later.
everyone in the house already kena jangkit by me except for mummy and papa.i dont know la whether kena jangkit by me or they memang about to get sick.and i also wonder how on earth i get sick at the first place.i also dont know how.
ok la.actually i dont know what am i doing here.right now my brain feel like kind of drousy.i dont know what am i crapping but i just simply crap because i feel that i need to update my blog.
ok bye.
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