dear bloggie,,
i hate when this is always happening.
when u thought u have everything in the world and start feeling very grateful of it, then suddenly everything starts to disappear and u left with nothing.
when u thought u' re already on top of the world, come whatever and no matter whatever circumstances, u will manage to overcome it but then something far more worst than u expected come crushing u just like that making u feel like a big fat loser and failure and u feel like giving up only.
when u are feeling down, there is nothing u can do besides be patient, strong and keep telling yourself that
everything is going to be fine, but then u waited and waited but there is nothing happen and things just get even more worst.
when u try to be strong but there is nothing helpful and u feel so hopeless and alone.
when u thought someone got your back, then come no matter what, u know that the person will always have your back but then suddenly the one person just started missing like that. and when u feeling down, the person is not there for u anymore.
when u think that u are happy but actually deep deep in your heart u know that u are actually very unhappy.
when every night u try to sleep, but then when u cant sleep u start to think of unhappy things and u start to cry yourself to sleep.
when u feel like u love the person so much, but then the person put u down.
when u hate to be emo and try to stop being emo but u cant because u let the feeling get over yourself.
yea, i know that this post is very emo. but this what i really felt right now. and i feel like crying when im blogging about this. i really miss u and u. where are u? why u guys no more longer be with me like how u always do. i really need your support now. im feeling down to the maximum already. nearly thinking of dying already. if u know who u are, i hope u know how i feel now and i really NEED u right now especially NOW.
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