dear bloggie,,
im so lazy want to blog nowadays. i got lots in my mind that i need to pour out but i cant because im too busy either with my physics study or onlining siang siang hari entah buat pape. if im not studying i will be out somewhere la with mum. im not allowed to go out with friends because mummy said i spend too much already. she is like really really angry whenever i talk about money so i dont dare to argue with her about going out. dala if go out also need to ask money again, then she will be more furious la. like today, i just said i wana cut hair only then she like haaa. spend money again !!!! so im only allowed to go out when she is going somewhere. better la. can spend money at the same time without asking her money.
haiyo. today is a stupid day. lets see why. morning i woke with uneasy feelings. then i see mummy and papa are not in good mood then my mood also spoiled because i will be going with them later but then their mood like that also dont feel like going out. if not because i need to print out my cmpf assingment and buy cd i will definitely wont be going out. then later when having lunch at somewhere i mistakenly take pork because i thought it was chicken. then papa like looked at me so angrily because pork and chicken pun tak tahu nak differentiate ke ahmoi !!! haiyoyo. then im like so panicked because once taken already u cannot put it back. then lucky mummy and meiyi saved me. they help me to eat the bloody pork la and i went to order chow kuey teow because mummy dont want to help me to order and she asked me to order it myself. she said im big enough and need to learn how to survive at chinese people world where all the chinese only speak chinese. then im budak bangan gila sial tak guna mother language pun tak tahu nak cakap like terhegeh hegeh trying to tell the guy that i want char kuey teow only put kuey teow. that guy like give me a weird look and said okok. then suddenly he come to me he give me bungkus char kuey teow. that make papa even more irritated with me. then this meiyi suddenly like make my life harder suddenly say wana cut hair then suddenly say dont want cut. then im like haiyo want cut just cut only la. think so much for what. then finally she cut it lor. then i also get my mohawk haircut and i feel happy about it. i've been wanting mohawk haircut for so long but i didnt dare to cut it because of some particular reasons like i scared my face look too fat or i wanted to keep long hair back and whatsoever la. finally i fuck all these reasons and just go ahead to cut mohawk ! and im liking so very muchie. why didnt i cut it a long time ago.
then when im back home i took a nap because i slept last night of studying physics and woke early this morning. then when i woke up from sleep big sis is like so irritating and i dont know what is her damn problem like tiba tiba je. then im like so hating her in my heart and pergi makan hati sorang sorang kat bilik. when already 6 i came out to watch chinese drama. then went out for dinner at sg.chua. ate till like so bloody full and i feel like vomiting. but i cant and i had to force myself to eat finish because if not all the food will be wasted.
then just now im like makan hati alone again because cant get to use the internet again. then i finally protest and i get to use it then when im using it happily, tiba tiba ada orang bangan sial gila nak mampus suddenly spoil my mood. the people punya perangai macam cibai betul la. im so pissed right now.
and im also pissed because i didnt chat with my orang sial at all today. like everyday we will talk to each other. where is my orang sial ni ??
i dont know why am i tend to speak malay and i dont know why i feel so irritated when there is unknown people left me message at my chatbox padahal my closed one yang hari hari datang see me emo pun tak bother left some message to ask me to cheer up except boon chuan. u all semua tak guna la. no offense here but seriously la. and i really really hate to see unknown people left me message at my chatbox. i dont know why. i do want more people to come to my blog but then when some unknown people left me message i feel so annoyed. why huhh ?? im so bloody weird la. even me myself dont get what i want sometimes.
haiyo whatever la.im so pissing. where is my orang sial ??!!.
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