dear bloggie,,
yesterday i slept at 5 because of calculus then i woke up at 9.i dont know why i cant sleep long.its like a habit already to wake up early no matter what time i sleep.i think i have sleeping disorder.i tend to feel tired easily every single day no matter its weekend or weekdays.i dont know why.when i try to put myself to sleep longer but i cannot.then when i take nap, after nap i will feel extra tired and drowsy.then when i am trying to get my beauty sleep, i will always be having very very weird dreams.and all these dreams really bother my sleep.i wonder how to stop having dream while we are sleeping.is there anything wrong with me ? i never ever didnt dream before when im sleeping except when im really really tired.
but when i cant sleep, i try to study calculus, but when im studying i feel tired.how la ?i feel so irritated and annoyed by my own body system here !
i so hate my body right now.i have big boobs, short legs, fat obnoxious thighs, big tummy and small feet.im so hating it !.i want to diet and i will start exercise excessively.im so determined already.everyone said that i look rounder after i enter uniten.ohh.the food at uniten is making me fat !i also have eating disorder and i dont know how to adjust my eating timing.
haih.i feel that my life is so unorganized and unhealthy right now.my eating habit is so unhealthy.i dont take breakfast,even if i do, i will be like eating only two pieces of sesame biscuits on my way to physics class.then i usually take my lunch or brunch at 11.but on wed i will take my lunch on 2 because i have no break at 11.then i will usually have rice, a fried chicken and some vegetables.i like kind to used with this meal.i feel so lazy want to think what to eat.then, around 8 something like that or maybe sometimes earlier, depends la on my housemates mood, we will go to upten for dinner.then when im like over-hungry, because i ate at 11, i will have heavy food, then when i go home, i went to bed with overloaded stomach because i eat unconsciously because im like too hungry.very unhealthy right.
somebody help me!!
please tell me how a healthy lifestyle should be !
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