dear bloggie,,
im getting fatter every each day now. and i cant see myself doing any effort to slim down besides blogging here complaining or complain to other people. arghhh !! everyone says im getting fatter. yea. i know and i feel so depressed. slimming down is like harder than calculus-ing. atleast u know hows your progress in calculus when u study calculus but when u try to slim down like 1 kg only, it will take for years.
i really fell depressed now. i hate it. oh gosh. its making me sad and really depress. i dont feel like buying clothes or trying on clothes because im fat ! im fat fat fat ! im a fat pig. i really want to slim down but i dont know how. argghhh. i think i need to get back to the cafe to work. but have to work for a month only get to can see the effect. arghhhh. this is killing me slowly inside of me. i really feel sad and depressed. arrrgghhh. why am i getting fatter !! the others didnt seem to get fatter also even though they stay at uniten and eating all those oily unhealthy food.
mummy !! i really want to slim down !. everyone says im fat. mummys says, meiyi says my arms look fatter, auntie says im short so i better keep fit now if not i will look horrible, poh teng asked me whether i have been eating alot lately, po says and even sonny also says. =( well, he didnt la exactly say that im fat but when i asked him he didnt answer me yes or no. so i know already la. if the people seriously think no they will definitely says no right ! arghhhh. im a fat piggy biatch now.
im so depress !! and i feel more depress when i see slim people ! arghh. i hate slim people. kill them !! then it wont timbulkan perasaan insecure and inferior feelings in obese people like me. pity people who are obese and fat u know. u dont know hows their feeling. but i know it very well. it really feels sad and depress.
i want to be slim.
dah la. stop complaining la. u know it wont get u any slimmer although u crap bertahun tahun at here. so go do some action la.
less talk, more action la fat biatch.
ok i need to ciao already. need to sleep early. will be going midv tomorrow with long lost found BFF, lawr. HAHA.
bye. i still feel sad and depress. =(
ps : hope liverpool will win the match tomorrow night. mu sucks !
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