dear bloggie,,
its already 12.30. and i dont know what im going to have for lunch. mum is out with big sis visiting grandma. i wanted to follow but mum wouldnt let so i also didnt go la. dah la tak dialu alukan.
im here again. dont know what am i going to crap but as im crapping this, soon or later i will be having something to say.
okay. lets see. maybe life wouldnt be that hard like what i thought. maybe life will be simple if i make it simple and consistent. think simple and less think about things that will never gonna be change. look at everything form the positive side and every perspective instead of one perspective. stop complaining and instead of complaining better i just keep my mouth shut and suck it up and just suit myself with it. if i know something that never gonna be change so why do i bother sulking about it. then if i could make some changes on my own why dont i make an effort to change everything to better. everything is about revolution. if we want something, we gonna go get it for ourselves. there's nothing come for free. its like how much effort u put on it, u will get the same in result. then maybe like that life wouldnt be that hard if we make it that way.
im only EIGHTEEN. and there's a lot waiting ahead for me. so if i didnt be strong enough to just get through all the difficulties im having now, i may not succeed and accomplished what i want in my life. i only will be a leech to my family and big fat loser who give up easily. everything in our life isnt just about ourselves. we shouldnt think just for ourselves. our life also involve around about our loved one especially our parents who works hard to support our studies just to see us succeed but somehow we always seems to forget about it and take everything for granted and think everything its about ourselves. and we always forget about them who is having high hopes on us and wish us well in everything and we take everything for granted and wasted everything just like that because we are big fat losers who are very selfish. so life isnt just about ourselves. so i should stop complaining how hard life is and just start being strong and go through it. and stop letting very small tiny thing get over me easily. yea. i should learn to prioritize. and at the same time try to have fun and stop being katak di bawah tempurung because my eighteen years old life is ending soon 3 months more =( . im going to be nineteen next year in 15 february 2010. and im not looking forward for it and im also not excited at all.
so life is actually fun and simple if we put it that way. dont take everything in life for granted. try to appreciate everything in our lives. work hard for what we want. its satisfying getting what we want after working our ass off for it.
ok. im done crapping here.
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