dear bloggie,,
im so' fann' right now.exam is coming soon.lots of things lingering in my head right now.(*big sigh*).EXAM is coming soon la..very 'fann' la.im feeling really very stress also.must study.now the first paper is on 2nd september and it is EKONOMI ASAS.(*big sigh*).so scared la want to take the paper.but then never mind la.like got a lot of time to study because got a lot of break during exam.
i don't want to study and i don't feel like studying now.
yesterday.got nothing interesting happen la.im just not in the mood.i kena ketuk ketampi la during sejarah 25 times.because didn't finish homework lor.so embarrass-ing.but at the same time,, i also feel funny.haha.then after add maths,, i faster run to the bus stop.want to take bus go home early.lucky when i reach there the bus was still there.then went home and feeling very tired till want to die already.don't know why feel so tired.then i got no mood want to online so i went to nap after online for a while.it was the nicest sleep i got in these few days.no stupid dream.nowadays i always dream about stupid things till really doesn't made sense at all la.seriously my dream is like so super doper stupid.
i hope my every sleep also like that...so nice...then papa is having gout like so serious till cannot walk le....then got fight with mummy papa for a while...haha...the meiyi help me le...i x sangka la...i thought that she like still merajuk with me bout the durian.haha.hmm.i didn't do any much.i just finish my bm homework then went to sleep.
then today rrr.i don't know la.dull just the same like other dull day.during recess saw timtim. hmm.now i like don't really have feeling for him already.because i think we like got no chemistry.our conversation is very dull.then i don't know la.maybe it's time already my heart want to forget bout him.hahahah.then nothing much happen also la.today is also very very dull and boring.i hope somethings fun to happen.something nice to remember like that la.but there got no any. :(
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