dear bloggie,,
today is the last day of holiday.so sad.i woke up late today.haha.around 10am.haha.for me it's late because i normally woke up at around8 or 9 like that even it's holiday.i want to sleep longer but i cannot put myself to sleep again.don't know why.i got a weird dream last night.i dream bout,, i don't know.it's very funny.everyone was in my dream.timtim was cycling a bicycle.im walking with popo,, puipui,, wong,, pohteng,, kuanmaymay and also ping ping.then it was raining.but we just walk as if it's not raining.haha.got aghilan in it also.then.i don't know what happen in my dream.cannot really recall back the dream
so today is the last day of holiday.today my mood is quite ok la i guess.early morning online.check friendster.im like getting bored with friendster already.don't know why.lazy to log in already.but sometimes i fell like very excited to log in.but then after log in like not nice and fun also.haha.actually,, i don't really understand how this social site suppose to work.making friends??but sometimes i doesn't seem like that also..i don't know how to explain it.but.i don't know la.i think that friendster is also like discriminating or divide people into each social class?like cool people with the cool people,, cute people with cute people,, anime fans with anime fans something like that la.get what i mean?haha.never mind la.friendster also would be the perfect place to stalk someone we like and even their ex-es and also their gf or bf.isn't it??haha.laaa..whatever la.enough la for this stupid talking bout social site.haha.i also don't know what crap am i crapping.just ignore what i had said.
im kind of excited to go school tomorrow.YEEEAAAAA.hiphip hooray.i don't know why.another one more week like that to trial.I FEEL VERY PRESSURE laa!!didn't really study much.the subject that i study the most is add maths which also didn't really enter my brain.i think i want to ask po to teach me.she always like teach me and tell me what i don't know in add maths.haihhh.HOMEWORK.haven't done anything yet la.add maths and bm.never mind la.monday la only i will finish the bm homework.MENYUSAHKAN betul la this bm homework.i have to get back to my study la.still need to study a lot.*big sigh*
ohhh holiday,why do u have end ?u seems like the perfect escape from school.HAHAHA.
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