dear bloggie,,
hmm.there are lots of things happen lately.i want to blog about it but i don't have the opportunity because i am busy - ing with spm.and it's also because the computer is spoiled and no one bother.i only can use big sis laptop to online and that is only when she is back from cyber.haha.
let me start with everyone 'last day' of spm.but not mine.my last day of spm is on the third of december.when est paper is finished evryone went to celebrate the happy moment at pizzahut(infront of the highschool).but i decide to tagged along because i don't want to ketinggalan.haha.so i joined them together.before leaving the school,, everyone was like busy - ing cam - whoring.then when everyone's bussiness was finished we all went to the pizzahut in a group.when we were walking in front of College New Era,, suddenly i heard scretching sound.i thought an accident happen and the tyre scretch like that.but then it was actualy shim shouting.because a useless mat rempit tried to ragut his hp.then shim like shout and shout till scared off the mat rempit away.the mat rempit is like so bloody stupid to ragut in day time,, when there are lot's of people and in an open public place.ok.after that.everyone's mood was like kind of ruinned already.especially shim.he like tengah trauma.who wouldn't.i think the mat rempit also like tengah trauma after heard shim shout till so loud.i was thinking why all this scary reality things happen in front of me on my ' last day of school'.it make me feel scared to live in outside world when i start study college or university.do u get what im trying to say?haha.
but evryone mood turned back to be ok when at pizzahut.well it was a fun day i think.especially the est reports is like enjoy and fun to write.haha.because the reports asked us to write bout nutritions which is ok because can take all the information from biology and chemistry.and it's also like common sense and in our everyday life.before that i was like so worried with what reports question going to come out?maybe the very hard and unfamiliar topics like eartquakes,, or flood or tsunami will come out.well stuff like that la.u know la.est can become very mengada somtimes.haha.
after done eating at pizzahut we went to metro point.at the moment was like raining so heavily.then we had to run from the pizza hut to metropoint.then hang out for a while at metropoint.then everyone went home happily because spm is over already. :)
the next day,, po,, pui,, pohteng,, ping and kuanmaymay decided to go to midV.then i just tagged along with them altough im not exactly finished my spm yet.wong didn't go because she went to sg.wang together with soke yin and ann yoke.then mummy and papa like nag and nag and bising bising scolded me and said "spm haven't end yet go out for what.stay at home at revise study la."but then,, i insist to go also.im like fuck study la at that moment.so,, we went to watch muvee and watched madagascar.it's very funny and hilarious and nice muvee.at first,, we wanted to watch quarantine.a scary or thriller muvee.but then.it's 18 sg.so when want to buy tickets because thought that they would not check,, but then suddenly the rabbit guy asked me and pui for our ic's.so the people didn't let us buy after checked our ic's.so we just decided to watch madagascar only.

we ate teppanyaki for lunch.while i was like enjoying the food,, suddenly i saw a baby cockroaches crawling on the table.im like very ewww at the moment.then we went home around 5 like that.i followed pui bak to her house again and papa picked me up from her house the next morning.
here some pics we took at midV.

on 30,, 31 of november and 1st of december,, i just stayed at home and study ea like hell because to redeem that i had fun in the two days before instead of studying ea.
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