dear bloggie,,
on 2 december was my ea paper.so i study ea really hard.i read like for two to three times because i really scared that i could not remember all the formula and definitions.because i usually understand the concept when i study.but in ea.the questions like to ask about definitions and counting.besides there is also no formula given.actually ea is quite easy.but then horr, they like want to make it hard like that purposely put all the crappy definitions and formula for u to memorized it.it's like so menyusahkan people life only.then the definitions also are like so long. then,, when u memorise all the formula,, they like didn't come out all.they like only give one questions that need one formula to count.so like penat penat only go and memorized all the formula that don't make sense at all padahal they like ask one only.so i was late to school.i think im like the latest student.when i reached there also i x sempat want to revise back my studies.the invigilators call us to enter the hall.my place is at aghilan's place.suddenly i was shocked that it was paper 2 first instead of paper 1.then im like geram with myself for not checking the timetable properly.but like normally paper 1 first only paper 2 start right.(in my thought la).like let the easier wan start first only the harder wan start later.i didn't prepare much for my paper 2 la.what i study the day before was like only can answer paper 1 first.everything went quite well except i did lots of silly mistake.i counted wrong and i also crapped alot. *big sigh*.i feel kind of relieved also when the paper is over.so left objective paper.i answered the objective paper properly so that i won't do silly mistake again and hope that i could get high mark in paper 1 because i screwed up my paper 2 already.so when paper 1 is over,, i feel really thrilled and happy and also relieved.SPM IS OVER ALREADY.then i quickly packed my stuff and went down and i saw wong was sitting at the pondok witing for me.then we went to find he beloved santa - claus teacher to get the signature for her NS thing and went to metro to meet the others.i told wong that i had to start work the next day.then she asked me why so fast.then i said because i tell them that im going to be free starting on third december.then she said why my mouth so celupar wan.haha.we ate at mcd.chit chat for a while.then went to metro to walked for a while.po went to her piano class at 4.30.then we walked for a while with the others till 5.30.the i followed pui went home.then i waited at her house for papa to fetch me at 10.that was my last day of spm
the next day i had to start work already.my FIRST day of work.my FIRST exprience of working.
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