dear bloggie,
i had already start working on wednesday,, the day right after i just finis my spm.haha.hard to believe that im already start working because i never work before and whenever i want to work last time sure x menjadi wan.haha.don't know why.papa help me to get this job.at first i want to work at kampachi.but there is no vacancy at kampach so i work at cafe lavista as a part time waitress.when i first start working,, i have no clue at all what am i suppose to do.lucky asyikin is there working at there also.she help me a lot.she help me to like sesuaikan myself and teach what am i suppose to do.but i like don't believe her only.i scared later maybe she will like back stab me or what at work place.i like feel worry only with her.*big sigh*.however she also help me a lot right?.haha.so don't feel like that to her la.i also like back stab her if i think bad behind her while she actualy help me alot already.
the cafe starts busy at around 7pm.i work at stesen c together with an iban guy named james.he is like ok and frindly la.he teach me lots of things and also teach me how to serve the customer.at first i thought that he is a chinese guy yang sudah dimelayukan.because he looks like a chinese but then he keep on speak malay like really typical malayish people.then,, the abang lan come and puji me said i do work very good la like very got alot of exprience already.working there is quite fun la.then all the mat salleh people are really polite and frinedly.whenever i want to claer their plates,, they are like really appreciate it and said thank u while the malaysian are like so snobish and show irritating look like that.they are like treat us as orang kelas bawahan and like jangan harap la nak dapatkan tips.althought it's like fun working there but i don't feel like going to work again for my second day.
*big sigh*.when i woke from my sleep, i don't really feel like going to work again.i don't know why?.the people there are friendly.but i feel like my life is limited to work only now.i cannot go out with them again like every afternoon we used to to yam cha.i don't really feel bersemangat to work.then,, it also was my bad luck day.on that day,, i had to duty at stesen a and b with kak fina.the two stesens are really busy because full of reservations.then i like have to take care lots of customer and also clear their plates.then i clear the plates and like the plates at the tray like terkumpul.then when i have to carry the tray,, it was like so super heavy.if buzzing ok la.the tray won't feel so heavy wan.so i carry the tray loaded with lots of plates to the steward.but as i walked,, lots of inconsiderate people blocked my way.they were like so busy choosing and taking food to eat.really feel irritated with them.saw people carrying tray full of lots of plates, be considreate a bit la.not like the food going to vanished or what.then i also have to walk a really long way.from stesen a to the steward.then some more the automatic doors dala open so slow.my hand some more like want to putus at that time.then at the moment as i just enter inside the kitchen,, right after the automatic door closed,, suddenly,, my hand really really cannot tahan the pressure already and dropped the tray and all the plates breaks into pieces really loudly.even outside the customer also could heard what was happening inside the kitchen.then i heard saifuddin voice from outside.his face is like very bengis.and he said with the bengis look at his face " apa dah jadi niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii??".then got this one very good chef who always ask me to smile quickly help to answer the saifuddin said that the floor is too slippery.that's why i fell and dropped all the plates down.but everyone knows that actually that is not reason i dropped the tray.they know that i could dropped the tray by my own.not because i fell because of the floor is to slippery or what.but everyone is like very good help to cover up said that the florr is slippery.they even asked the steward to put more getah carpet.then the abang lan and yus asked me to quickly go outside si that i won't kena marah by the saifuddin.then i went out la to continue to work.so i work la like nothing is wrong.whenever i saw little plates start to terkumpul at the tray i fast fast carry to the steward.then nothing happen.i did't slip the tray.then again i carried.again.and again.and this time when i carried again,, i can feel that my hand is so super tired already.i really feel like my hands were going to putus.so when i was walking to the steward,, i really tried my best to tahan the pressure,, but,, suddenly i slipped the tray off my hands and break all the plates.and again.saifuddin came in with the bengis look at his face said "siapa pulak ni??"then abang lan quickly call me go out again so that i won't kena marah by the saifuddin.he used back the same excuse that is the floor is slippery.this time,, he assign me to work at stesen c since this stesen is not really busy.together with jusof i think.so i tried to concentrate on my work but cannot.i really feel like crying at the moment.and im like really got no mood and just feel like going home only at that moment.i think my moodyness is shown at my face because abang lan suddenly call me go to the PR to fold napkins.so i fold napkins from 9 to 11 tll kak fina call me go out to sign out.everyone is like very good.they said everything is going to be fine and ok.it's normal thing for people like me since i have no exprience at all or what.they asked me not to worry so much.they also said don't tommorow didn't appear pulak r just for this little thing.so i went home and like complaint to meiyi and cried in front of her.
i almost cannot go to work because im really late already and x sempat want to buy new shoe.the mummy is like so irritating keep asking me not to go work at the last minute.that it will make me look like so irresponsible.then some more it's only my third day of working already want to take lift.some more if i didn't go to work they must be thinking is it because of i break too many plates and scared want to go back to work.so,, i just went to work although i already late for 25 minutes.when everyone saw me at locker room they were like so suprised to see me because they thought that im not coming.but then they told me that they are glad that i show up if not they will be like very very sad.(don't know whether it's true or not)so.at my third day of work,, i determined to work well again like first day after i was so screwed up on my second day of work.i will learn to do buzzing and if cannot learn in time i will try to carry the plates little by little.then abang lan again put me work together with kak fina again at stesen b.then,, kak fina like thought lots of useful stuff.like how to clear the guest plates in a proper way.she also teach me about the ala carte menu and buzzing.but she only teach little bout buzzing.then i tried to practice buzzing while im alone.then suddenly the very sombong jusof came.i don't know what's wrong with him but his like very sombong to me since the first day and also very irritate with me because i break lots of plates.as if like i kill his mother or what.he teach me buzzing and i feel his teaching is like very berguna.because of his teaching i only berjaya to do buzzing.i think he like look down at me.he suddenly like said me want to berlagak pandai.i don't know la.but he said something very sacarstic to me something like that.i know what he thinks la. he sure like think ala all these newbies tak tau pape nak berlagak pandai.pas tu dah salah tak tau nak minta orang ajar atau belajar.he said this to me "kalau orang ajar ikut,, kalau tak tau tanya orang.jangan kata tak boleh buat,, kata saya akna cuba"like suddenly only he said this to me.i also like didn't before errrr i don't know,, i don't want to do or what.so the cafe start to busy around 7 like that.then i tried to do buzzing slowly slowly.again.again.and again.lucky got no plates break.so i work well again.and i feel very bersemangat and start to love the job.hehe.
however,, i still miss my freedom and outing together with friends.
1 comment:
gambatte ya~~~
dun giv up~~~
i giv u strength....
muz add oils ya...
jia you!!^-^
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