dear bloggie,,
yesterday i slept at 4 in the morning i woke up from sleep at 9.30 morning when mummy woke me up from sleep to answer the phone.it was pn zaihaidar,, physics teacher who called.she like disturb my sleep la.she called because she wanted my passport pic to don't know what she want to do.then after talking to her at phone,, i tried to sleep back and continue my dream.but unfortunately i cannot recall what i had dream in my sleep.i just know that dream was nice.haha.so after that,, ate breakfast get dressed up to go to uniten.haha.today i went to uniten to register and enquire something.when we reached there we are like lost.uniten is so so so big.like putrajaya only.then we round here and there for like half an hour.then like we reached the entrance there,, it's actually near somewhere the entrance and we passed it and didn't notice the sign board that says administration office.so i applied online there.so now just have to wait for offer letter from there.when once get the offer letter than im already confirm that i will be studying there.now have to wait for a week to get the offer letter.well,, don't need to rush because the next intake is like on july.so like i have two months more holiday.but i already feel excited of going to university.haha.im going to university.haha.but not sure yet.i didn't get the offer letter yet.
i better appreciate this holidays.i might not get it back.like lawr.haha.he is like so busy already although it's like only his second or third week of college.people said once we start studying at college or university we will like be busy for 10 years.first 5 years are like for studying and another 5 years are like for working and have to stabilise our job like that la.haha.
im like so crappy right now.i hope i can get to go to uniten to study.it's like so exicting.haha.now i know how lawr feels when he like telling me he is going to college.at that time im like thinking nice and fun meh go to college to study,, it's like scary because we are like adults or what la.haha.whatever la.
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