dear bloggie,,
i just watched SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE.and OH MY GOODNESS,, the story is so nice.i was like blown away by the story.before this i was like 'yee' at the muvee because i thought the muvee like not nice to watch.but i was so wrong.the movie was really nice.i really like it and im kind of touch by the story.got lots of moral lessons.haha.like bi novel literature.but seriously the muvee is so nice and it's not only a muvee.it's like teaching us about life,, hope,, love and dreams like that la.
this story is about a guy named jamal malik joined who wants to be a millionaire indian version.then he like could answer all the questions and prem kumar, the host thinks that he was lying because he didn't think that jamal could answer all the questions by his own because he don't look smart and he was only 18.so,, he called the police to arrest him and investigate how he cheat after answering 10 millions rupees question.but,, actually he knows all the answer because his life expriences thought him.so this muvee is like flashing back all his life expriences when he need to answer a question.when the police like hit him,, shocked him with electricity and other thing else,, jamal said he never cheats before and he told the police about his life expriences and the police believe him and let him go so that he could answer the final 20 millions rupees question.
his childhood life is very pity.he and his brother,, salim were orphanage.they were attacked by some people and his mother died.after his mother died they run away and they met latika.then they like taken care by an evil man,, maman who take advantages over small kids by asking them to beg for money.one day,, maman ask salim to call his brother because he want to blind jamal's eye so that when he ask beg people for money,, people would give him more.but then salim save jamal and they managed to run away with a train.unfortunately,, latika didn't manage.so salim and jamal travel in the train.they sleep and earned living by staying in the train and sell all sorts of things.one day,, they reached taj mahal.so they like start to be tour guide there and steal people shoes when the people take off their shoes to enter the taj mahal mosque.then the stupid jamal told the tourist that taj mahal is a 5-stars hotel and there like kolam air infront of the mosque and he said that is the swimming pool.then later,, they worked in a restaurants and all these years,, jamal always try to find latika.one day,, he saw arvind and asked arvind where is latika.then he went to the place where arvind said latika would be.then salim shot maman dead in the head and they manage to run latika away.after that,, somehow latika and salim got split up with jamal.latika get together with a gangster called jave and jamal worked as a guy who make tea for people at office.one day he contact salim and they meet up.then he also met latika at jave house when he wanted to apply job as dish washer at jave house.one day,, they tried to run away but didn't able to run away because salim managed to catch latika.on the day where jamal need to answer the final question,, salim helped latika to run away and he shot jave dead and he also shot dead by jave's follower in bathtub full of moneys.then,, after jamal answer the final question correctly he met latika at train station then they were together happily ever after.

the end
seriously,, this muvee is so nice and sad.i feel like crying.haha.it's very touching.
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