dear bloggie,,
why on earth today is so bloody hot?seriously hot till getting on my nerve.i feel really hot and pissed.haha.seriously is so bloody hot like hell.then some more im also like so bloody headache right now for eyeing the pc for so long.searching pics from a new web that i just found-deviantart.com.got lots of nice and artistic pics.so my eyes are bloody painful and the wheather is getting on my nerve right now.stupid la.can this world get any worse???
k.enough of my irritating mengada dan poyo perangai.today i hed cut my hairs!AGAIN!i cut it my hair again just after one week i cut my hair.do u get what am i trying to say.i cut my hair again because my previous haircuts x menjadi which i want it to look like mushroom.but it didn't turn out to look like my mushroom but inflated ball.so im like so kecewa decided to cut my hair again and my haircuts right now is really really super short.but i like it.actually i didn't want to cut again but don't know which day i saw nick berardi haircuts which is very nice.some pics of it.

so nothing much to update.the banquet people already called me and they called me go to work on saturday and sunday.i like kind of scared want to work because i x ada kawan.haha.like so kiddy only.but i see all the banquet people like not friendly only and the ekin also keep on tell me that working at banquet very hard.i tried to pujuk ekin to work together but she going to study on 7 june so like no point working laso.plus i had to see the bladdy bastard.yee.
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