dear bloggie,,
haa.it's only my 75th post.i thought i going to reach 1ooth post like that.haha.since i like to crap so much.haha.whatever.
ok bloggie.here is the deal.i feel like a parasites or mayat hidup yang sangat tak berguna.and why is it?it's because i sleep late at around 4 like that then woke up at 1 like that.even waking up so late i also feel like going back to sleep one hour later i wake up from my sleep.i didn't do much to help my mother.i only heard she shouting around 11 everyday said that im useless, at night become ghosts disturb people here and there then day time sleep like a fat pig there.haha.i tried to change my sleeping habits but cant.i went to bed early like around 2 but then my eyes will not closed and sleep although my brain like send nerve impulses through my nerve to my eyes to ask it to sleep.haha.what crap am i crapping la.yea la.whatever la.something like this la.haha.
so besides my sleeping habits yang menyusahkan mummy, i also didn't help mummy much with the house chores.i only help to wash the dishes for lunch and dinner.that's all i guess.k la.sometimes i help to bath the naughty girl and prepare lunch for meiyi and the another annoying small sis after they back from school.then the other chores i won't be bother to do.haha.even meiyi goes to school and has homeworks and all need to do she also do more chores than me.really useless right me.i wish i can change but then i don't know la.my this waking up late habits like make me feel very super lazy.i feel like sleeping only all the time especially after eating lunch.haha.
so.now the house chores that i can do to help mummy is mop the floor and wash the toilet which i promised to myself that i will do it by this week.so sunday and saturday will not be the day because im working so the only option is TODAY.haha.then im like blogging here.
ok la.i just cut all the craps right here and get my fat lazy ass to work la.even im not wanting too.OH please la.don't be such a pig la me.so useless.
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