dear bloggie,,
today i feeling so pressured and not right.i don't know what is the not right feeling but i know it's lots of negative and uneasy feelings.
i suddenly feel very pissed with everyone for no good reasons because they seems to irritate me.
i don't know why, i don't know why, i don't know why.
i also feel that everyone is going against me.they always do something that im very pissed or irritated with.i know it's like their right to do what ever damn thing they want but somehow it really irritates me although its' really make no sense because what they do is their freedom la.
especially with this mummy.i really angry with her today.she really getting on my nerve.no matter how many time i try to explain something to her, it's not use because she didn't seems to get anything from what am i saying.and sometimes she make my life really harder.especially during this particular moment.
im also very irritated with ME the person.i don't know why.but all my heart's says also seems to go against me.i don't know why is it so hard to controll what my heart or brain says.all these little talkings in my brain really make me lose my mind and doesn't help me at all.it make me really make me feel like lossing my mind.why is it so hard to be optismistic?the more i try to be positive the more negative i get!
and i don't want start study yet.i don't want to start the new life.even before it started it already causes too much pressure in me.seems like not a good sign and not a good way to start something.
stupid stupid stupid.
i need a sweet escape!!!!
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