dear bloggie,,
my holiday is ending soon.there is like another 24 days left to my new life at uniten.i don't want my holiday to end.wish that the holiday would not end.why is it time pass so fast.i don't want to go back to the pressured student life anymore.i remember how is it feel.especially during exam.we will like read or study for hours and hours like hell then when finished reading or studying not even a single thing also enter our brain.then, also the sleeping disorder habits.OH.when i remember about the 'wonderful' memories about being a student,, it makes me feel so not wanting to go back to student's life.plus,, i will be going to uniten.like going to makkah to study.haha.no offends here.hehe.not wanting to be racist because im certainly not a racist person.but i feel that uniten is dominated by the malays.only few other races people that i can see.not only that i notice that even other people also notice that.and also lots of typical school rules like no hair dying, no above the knee clothes, this and that la.like so .... i don't know.where got other u or college have these such rules.but somehow i also feel kind of glad that im going to uniten.and why is it?don't know.just some part of me feels glad.stupid right feeling glad for not knowing the reasons.
so let me aim one thing first before start studying at uniten.that is always get 3.8 of my ccgpa point in every semester or exam.by putting this aim maybe i will just focus on my studies and study hard.
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