dear bloggie,,
last saturday i went to grandma house again to take care of her because my auntie got a holy spiritual meeting at penang.so she will be away for few days and she called mummy to help to take care of my sick grandma and my old grandpa.she said that she will be back on sunday night like that.but then, she cannot come back like how she planned.then, mummy also had to come back because enen the naughty girl is coming back on monday morning.so, she left me and meiyi there to take care of grandma till tuesday.
the exprience of taking care of her was like being in a hell.i really cannot stand her any longer.i don't know what is the wrong with her.she likes to complain and complain.she complains too much la till grandpa also will really get sick of her already.only meiyi with the pure noble heart can stand her.she like complain about every single thing.like her porridge is too watery.her leg pain is killing her, water too cold and even when people like open her porridge cooker to check whether the porridge is cooked or not she also like "woiii, don't open the cover".then when got visitor come and visit her she complain that to the visitor.really very irritating.she also really not considerate at all.like really yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.she like really like to menyusahkan grandpa.she like could not give him a break.and he also old, not really strong already.she like could not give him some times to restor see him in peace, just want him all by her side and do this and that for her.like got one time, her leg like really pain, then she like cannot stand nad keep crying then grandpa was like out in a restaurant fot breakfast, then she asked meiyi to go out to find him.like WTF?!cannot for a while for him to come back.some more if granpa is back, what much he can do she just will complain to him only.then also got one morning, she asked grandpa to wake up and climbed up the stairs to call me and meiyi yto wake up 5 in the morning just to carry up to put her to sit.why she like so not considerate.people like sleeping anmd granpa also sleeping and he also like have difficulty in walking, she some more asked him to climb up the stairs.then after that when put her to sit already, she like keep woiii at people there disturbing people sleeping.then she keep on ask granpa to cook her porridge at 6 in the morning because she want to eat at 11.30 in the morning.like huh?want to eat at 11.30 but asked people cook at 6.then grandpa said don't need to cook so early wan la later the porridge hangus lor.the she like don't care and keep on bug him only.then at last grandp a also give up and go cook for her and said "haiya, u cannot sleep why also want other people cannot sleep".at that moment i really like lose my temper already.i really wanted to scold her so badly so that she will like sedar but then i know that i cannot do that.yhen around at two something in the after noon on tuesday,, suddenly auntie back already.im like so happy because i would not need to take care of grandma already.i really cannot stand her any longer.i wonder how grandpa can stand her for his whole life.so quickly packed and auntie sent us to ktm to take train to kajang.im so glad that i don't need to stand her anymore.i really going to lose my mind if i had to stand her any longer.seriously, u would not know how i feel.but i kind of pity grandpa because now he had to take care of grandma alone and i kind of feel guilty to left them happily while grandma is like so sick and granpa really need some helps to take care of grandma.
then also there is this one auntie visitor really sacarstic.she like really kutuk me nad meiyi bermati - matian for not knowing how to speak hakka.then this grandpa also like to speak with us in malay although we understand hakka and know how to speak hakka a little maybe because he used to talk to us in malay when we were smaller.then the auntie like overheard and she like quickly take the chance to kutuk me and meiyi said tha "aiyo, so kesian r, must talk to grandchildren in malay.so cham wan u."something like that la and she also like said that grandpa like very malang to have us as grandchildren.
some nice moment also lor while being at grandma house.

i also feel really bad also because blog so much bad thing about grandma and she is like lying down on her bed now suffering.but really la, she like suffer, she also has to make the others suffer together with her.i jus will pray hard in my heart that she will heal faster.
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