dear bloggie,,
i felt like these two days that i worked at banquet really feels like hell.it seems like a nightmare to me.like today i cannot really recall what had really happened when i worked at banquet.it really feels like a nightmare la.ok let me tell on one by one first.
Occasion : Chinese wedding, dinner
num of reservations : 350 pax
the night before i worked i cannot sleep well.i went to bed at 2 something but i slept at 4 something.the next morning,, like around 11 something,, meiyi suddenly wake me up from sleep and told me that papa need to fetch to work earlier.ok so i reached the hotel around 12.30 something.then go to the locker room and sleep there.suddenly kak nurul message me said that at night the cafe need part time worker.but then i said i cannot work for cafe that night because need to work for banquet.but i really want to work for cafe but cannot la because i had promised the banquet people already.so saw kak nurul at the locker room chat for a while then went to banquet to start work.first, i sign in.later then i help this malay guy to iron the the table clothes.iron for almost like an hour also the table clothes still looked like crumpy or whatever because something wrong with the steam iron.went to break at 4.30 something like that.then did some little works in the ball room.after that got short briefing about what going to happen during the function.then work assigned.after that i had to serve the guest outside the ballroom before the guest enter in the ball.at that moment my hand like trembling because had to carry tray with lots of glasses on it.then i like had to bertahan so that i would not slip the tray off my hand and break all those expensive glasses in front of all the guest.it will be like so embarrassing.so i just try as best as i can not to slip the tray.after that, the dinner started.everyone enter the ballroom.start serving the food to the guest.serving food is the hardest part of all.first i had to serve the main course dish.after that clear all the bb plates.then start serve after dish.then clear all the dish and bb plates also.not like serving buffet like that.if buffet we just like clear the guest's plates one by one.so i really hate the serving food part.because the dishes were like so super heavy.then i have two short hands that very hard to put the dishes in the center of the table because people are like sitting and the tables were like very crowded with people.faham faham sendiri la what am i trying to say.haha.so after serving then had to clean all the bb plates and the main dish.see.the plates are like so big and heavy.then some more we had to walked round the table to clear the bb plates.then the space to walk is also very limited.like at anytime i could trip and fall and pour all the food to the guest.so work and work feeling very pressured and tired, finally the clock tick 11 already.i fast fast sign out although actually we had to stay until the function over and to help clear the places and set for tomorrow function.but im like fuck la.i couldn't be bother much because i really feel very very tired like hell and i just want to escape at that moment.so i quickly signed out and the next day i had to enter work at 7 in the morning.
Occasion : Malay wedding, lunch
num of reservations : 1000 pax
again.the night before i cannot sleep well also even like after working like hell and fell so bloody tired.i don't know why.like i have insomnia or what.so i don't know at what time only i sleep but u know when mummy wake me up in the morning i feel like i didn't sleep at all.like i just blink my eyes only suddenly "it's time to wok".so, bath the get myself ready for work.so signed in.first put napkins on the table.later tied ribbon on every each chair.after that got short briefing then went to break then back to work.so around 12.30 the guests started to come.the job was easier that day because like serving buffet like that la.so just like jaga servis buffet.not much work but i really feel tired because of yesterday work and plus i didn't get my good night sleep.so work with all those irritating bastard.then looked around and didn't do much work.i don't know what's wrong with them but they like shy and just like stand and one side and look at the guests only.so work and work then suddenly looked at the watch ey three already.so i told anand that i want to sign out.he thought that i sign out early because i had to help the cafe but then i told him that cafe got no reservations then he like very weird why i want to sign out earlier.then i told him that im very tired.then he looked at me like i very tak berguna.haha.then he asked if there any function again can he call me to work.my answer made he like more irritated with me.i like answer him dengan acuh tak acuh like that said err depends la.like so LCLY.haha.so i fast fast went home because i really could not stand any longer.so sign out and leave the hotel.
all these things happen like really quickly.i really feel very blurred like that.understand what am i trying to say.like all these things that happened in these two days are like so quickly and when i woke from sleep this morning it feels like didn't happen at all.like a nightmare like that.
so with my hair issues.some people give me positive comment some didn't.kak nurul, kak izah said nice i looked better.but then kak ayu and abang mal don't like my hair.the abang mal some more keep on like to ejek my hair.then, abang yus said that i look like cina.then im like huh.im cina la abang yus!hafiz didn't say anything that i think he would say.and i very surprised even i look very tomboyish or ugly? with this hair, the hotel guys are like still berminat to disturb me.im like huh.i thought no one will disturb me already.especially all the banquet guys yang kerempitan.i don't know la whether they are rempit or what.but somehow they are like kind of the typical goody malay boy.like when come to work they like bekerja dengan bersungguh sungguh.but they also like make me feel disgust la.i don't know la how they know me.i don't know them and i cannot recognized their faces because all the banquet guys look the same to me.they are like hi grace dengan sangat mengedik like that.something like that la.then im like look at them and hi even i don't know what's their name.i really don't want to layan them but i had to layan them nicely because i had to work together with them.then the girls i don't know la what's wrong with them.they are so mengedik,poyo dan mengada.
so all these nightmare finally end.when anand call me to work again. im not sure whether i would want to work again or not.the job is like very very hard and i don't like all the banquet people at all.even the paid is higher but i prefer to work at cafe more.when work with the banquet like so hard and only get rm5 per hour, i feel like not worth it.and i also like tak sanggup want to spend the money because i know that i work my ass like hell to get the money.but if work for the cafe, i feel more relax and don't even feel like working.i feel like .. i don't know.like doing nothing then someone give me rm4 per hour.get what i mean?
so whatever.i just feel so glad that everything had over and i don't want this nightmare to repeat again.
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