dear bloggie,,
the temperature is like rising to 48 celcius though.it's so bloody hot la right now.even my hair is like super short already but i still feel so hot.
hmmm.tomorrow i have to my first day work at banquet.kind of scared la because i don't have friends and banquet work is like way much harder than cafe.because we have to serve 300 people at at time so it will be like more kelam kabut.but i also feel kind of thrilled to start work.haha because i will be meeting all the abang and kakak from cafe.then i think they sure will kutuk my hair.i know what hafiz will say.he will say "rambut tak boleh pendek lagi ke".he always like to say like that to me.like last time he saw my the biggy pink color bag, he said "beg tu tak boleh besar lagi ke".but not only him la.i don't know why everyone is like very irritated with my bag size.very what meh.kind of ecxited to work but also not wanting to work at the same time.i hope everything will go smoothly and all the banquet waiter and waitress won't be like so poyo.
another thing.now that my hair is like so super short already.it would like very funny when i put make up on.i will look like a drag queen.:(

this is just a short post to meluahkan my keresahan hati about going to work tomorrow and how hot is tonight.haha.
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