dear bloggie,,
im blogging from my new home at uniten.i didn't went home tonight because got alot of stuff need to be done here and i also don't know what's the stuff that i haven't done here.
now i don't know what is my mood and what am i feeling right now, i feel so blurr and blank.there goes again another week.i feel that time pass so fast.i can't even like interpret all the things that happen in my like these few days.i had two quizzes this week.and the lecturer didn't even inform us.they like suddenly give a pop quiz and going to enter the mark into our cgpa.i feel so scared la because i did so badly in these two quizzes.*big sigh*
my mind feels like kind of berserabut but also at the same time i feel blank.i need to like reorganized my life.im like so lewa in my this uni's life right now.like everyday after class go hang out here and there.then at night come home bath straight away sleep and didn't even like bother to look at the book.then plus during class, i always feel so sleepy and didn't concentrate on what the lecturer teaching.i need to get serious la.i have to remember back all my aims of coming here.i have to control myself from the temptation of having fun here.but there is no any fun here, maybe only swimming la.then nothing else already what.i also feel that 24 hours a day is not enough la.i really need more extra hours.plus now i don't have any assignments and co-co activity.what if when the lecturer started to give assignments then all the co-co activity suddenly pop up like that.haiya.i don't know la.i feel very blank and need to focus back on my aims.
next tues and wed there will be like club promotions like that.get what i mean.i feel like kind of excited. i don't know why.
i think i want to create a private blog la. i want to like meluahkan all my keresahan hati yang tidak boleh diketahui orang or yang boleh menimbulkan konflik there.but i don't know why i didn't create.i feel like kind of lazy.but whenever i like got some keresahan hati here i feel regret for not creating the new private blog.to create or not.
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