dear bloggie,,
i suddenly feel so pissed, angry, irritated and annoyed!i don't know why.it's like the feelings that has been terpendam for a while and now it like started to meletup one by one.
reasons that make me to feel like that :
1.the person that i feel very irritated with always seems to bug me every second in my life.i didn't mean to feel like that with that person because she is a good person but somehow i don't know why i get very irritated with her no matter what she do and she will like hunt me the rest of my life.i don't know how will i ever going to stand her.
2.i feel so angry that i slept one whole day today when im supposed to study calculus one whole day
3.i feel so headache right now because i take nap the whole afternoon
4.i feel so irritated with my nose because it's stuck and whenever i sneeze there is nothing come out and i feel so hard to breathe.yea i know it sounds disgusting
5.no one seems to bother to care about me forever.im not important to everyone already
6.i feel so irritated that i only have minimum space to study at hostel and that make me not in the mood to study at all.
7.i hate that i spend much.when im spending im not aware at all then after spending i would start to regret and said i wish i didn't buy this and that.
8.i feel so annoyed that tonight feel so hot.
9. i hate the fact that i need to be apart from enen and not getting to see her anymore when i come back evry weekend.
10.i feel irritated that i feel irriated with alomost everything
11.i hate that my heart control my mind not my mind control my heart
12.i feel very pissed that i cannot get to use the computer whenever i want.i have to wait for the others to use first or big sis is going out then only i get to use.so bloody annoying.
13.i feel so irritated with myself because for being so lazy to study
14.i feel so pissed that im having hard time to learn swimming
15.i feel so pissed because i have to face the person that i don't like from the bottom of my heart and be friendly wit that person
16.i hate when all the bad past in my life starting to hunt my mind back and my mind could not control of what i want to think
17. i feel so irritated because after i put the nuffnang ads like for years, finally i only manage to earn 25 cents
18.i feel so pissed with the uniten internet connection.it's so bloody fucking slow like hell.FUCK FUCK FUCK.
19.im irritated that i always get emotional affected so easil.
20.i feel annoyed that i always say wrong things and whenever i try to say something to cover it it get worst.
21.i feel irritated that im feeling so angry right now and no matter what i do nothing will get better!!
im so pissed with everything la.and that someone already giving a sign that it's time for me to go.so.im done blogghing here!
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