dear bloggie,,
thank goodness im feeling kind of great the beginning of this week. last week, my mind is always occupied by something and i feel moody, down and confused. i feel like my mind is clearer this week. i didnt feel like my mind is that occupied by something like last week. i feel like kind of relax this week. unlike last week, i feel so stress because of calculus test 2 then with some inner conflict. im so worry that i would do badly again in my test 2. so i study like hell, get all the help that i can get from people.
thank u sonny and boon chuan for your help in my calculus study !!
today i feel like kind of happy. i finally start to let go something and try to look at things at different perspective and i feel relieved. i have my own space now. i dont go bugging other people in my life and stop depending much on other people already. then,im like spending much time chatting with someone. i dont understand where do we stand now. its like kind of confusing. we like always spend so much times chatting with each other either through fb or sms. then, i dont know, we like kind of can talk about almost everything and have good chemistry. and i like sometimes that he really like make me laugh although the thing he said is really stupid or doesnt make sense and somehow, really menyakitkan hati. i dont know. i wonder how does this work. maybe my feeling for him is just i dont know. maybe because we like always chatting with each other then i like feel what. haiya ! i dont know how to describe la ! its so confusing. we do always chat with each other always, then when i think i know him, but actually the truth, i dont know him at all. he is like totally different form what i thought. well, not that different. i dont know la. im just suprised that ... haiya. i dont how to say la. well, humans are unpredictable.ok so what am i trying to say is i think im falling for someone who really really got chemistry with me for the first time but somehow, i dont know how is it suppose to work. although we have the chemistry, i think that we both are from different world.. but i think i never felt for someone like this before.like really really everything can talk about, then dont need to worry or think twice before talking.dont bother whether i look like a fool or what. haiyo. all these things la. i dont know how to talk about this la. like so .... i dont know but yet confused ! and i really wonder and thinking hard what is his feeling actually, what he has been feeling about all these things. so confusing !!!
im very happy yesterday and today. well, its just the beginning of the week. so i cannot predict what will happen the next day. but i hope that evrything will be fine in this week. i suddenly like get a new breath after thinking and escaping form everything last sunday afternoon. i suddenly think about everything throughly and i cannot find any solution. maybe there its no solution for every conflict im having. i just need to look at things form the positive side because there is nothing much i can do. so instead of emoing and make my face get lots of wrinkles at such a young age, better i take a deep breath, close my eyes and think how grateful i am in this world. dont need to make my brain more pressure and heavy for keeping too much nonsense things inside.
i dont know why, but suddenly i feel like i got new breath. i dont know how to say this. i feel the burden i have been carrying suddenly lifted away from my shoulder. i feel like healthier and happier already but however, i still feel that im a fat biatch ! hehe. i want to start exercising but i dont how am i suppose to do, i also dont have the time.
i think i have done crapping already.
k. bye.
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