dear bloggie,,
im so hating it when this always happen. u see usee. AGAIN ! when u always notice soething or feel good about something then suddenly everything will just suddenly disappear *pooff* just like that.
yesterday, i just feel so happy, and everything all, in short word, good mood, then somehow today im feeling so arghhhhhhh !!! why is this always happenning la. haiyo. then i really try my very best to look at things positively, somehow, something really irritates me !!!
why is this happening ? ok la. maybe i should just spend more time with myself. haihh. i feel like so long that i didnt crap with people like one whole day long. i feel that im so alone here. i wanting to share something but there is like no one to share with. i want to talk about him, and smile the whole day, then talk about well, gossips and stuff like that la. haiyo. suddenly, im so missing po. po where are u ? well actually im like bitching with her right now about someone that really get onto my nerve today. if can i feel like giving a big slap to that people la. so bloody annoying !!!! never mind la. holidays is coming. its time to clear my mind and soul. well, i guess that maybe escaping for one whole sunday afternoon isnt enough.
but got no time to escape la. need to study for physics test 2 and physcis common lab test.
ok la. whatsoever la. this isnt going anywhere. i just go and bitch at my private blog now. i didnt blog my private blog for ages already now.
what an annoying day !
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