dear bloggie,
raya holiday has officially started for me starting this moment thursday, 3.18 pm.
but however, i dont really feel that thrill also. i got physics test 2 just right at the first day after the raya holiday ends. then, its at night pulak tu. like so not in the mood to test la. haiya. why la these people so clever pick such a wonderful time for test la. then its physics some more , if calculus also kind of relieved. i did really really badly in physics test 1. i dont know la whether the problem is me or what. because the questions memang susah tahap cibai. ok la. i think its both la. its me and the questions memang hard. other people can do so why i cannot do la. i dont know la. rally hard la all these studies. so freaking pressuring me. i hardly can relax already nowadays, my heart always thumping very fast when i think about physics test 2, physics common lab test and FINAL EXAM...
like omg. all these cannot give me a break for a while r ? like suddenly all come rushing to me like tsunami. i like tengah lewa relaxing like suddenly get shock and my artery wana pecah already i think because of the pressure is too high.
i dont feel like in holiday mood because after holiday, there will be physics test 2, then after that during holiday, i wont be in the mood of studying. then its holiday, i want to go out, but my poket tengah kering la. mummy wouldnt give me money to go out. plus, i will be sleeping all day long at home as i cannot really get my sleep at uniten. then, not able to see him for a week =(
haiyo why all these come at the wrong timing la. with my inner conflict pulak tu yang semakin hari semakin complicated. i cannot see how am i gonna survive by going through all these conflicts and pressure cause by studies.
someone save me. i know who can save me. he's like the only one who can help me in my studies and also my inner conflicts. somehow, i only willing to tell him everything and i will feel better after talking to him. i also dont know why, but he is also like my pemangkin semangat to study. can i bring him home with me during this holiday please ?
haiyo. haiyo. instead of haiyo - ing better i start to clean my room for a better environment to study for test and final exam. and also, i dont know why my room feel so congested la. like my mind. no la. i think my mind is more congested.
good part of the holiday is, getting far away from people who make me so arghhhhh, escaping from whatever problem, mind and soul cleansing and meeting all my FRIENDS. miss u all so muchie !!
a week at home, 24/7 access to the internet connection because big sis went to phuket already. so got no people berebut with me for the internet !!!!! =)
yea yea. whatever. start cleaning your room la.
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