dear bloggie,,
i feel so pissed right now.i dont know why.its seems like all the tak puas hati feeling in my heart that i have been feeling for quite some times suddenly built up and make me so pissed right now.
ok first of all, no one ever ever take what i said seriously.like mummy and everyone la.i feel so angry about it.what they think i am.a moron.always say things for no reason.they never try to understand and always think that i lead an easy life.come try to be me in a day la.then faced everyone that i hate but i had to pretend that i like them because for the sake of world peace.then have to struggle with what ever things alone and there is no one to help u ! sometimes i feel so alone like there is no one to talk to about all the problems that im having and when even when i said it, they dont seems like understand it.and they think the thing i said is nothing.like i said, no one ever take what i said seriously !
second,, i feel like im being taken granted by everyone.i dont know why i feel like that but i do feel like that.like, i dont know how to explain it .even me, myself dont understand it.but i feel .... i dont know.i cant describe.i feel so confused right now.no i can elobarate much about it here later got conflicts susah la.
thirdly,, i feel that i don have my own freedom of blogging here at my damn bloody own blog ! i scared later what ever thing that i post will make others angry or what padahal sincerely that was what i feel about them.i really really want to blurt all the things what others make me feel like that but cannot !
forthly,, im so geram with this laptop punya usb.suddenly can use, suddenly cannot use.so irritating la !i wonder when only i can get my own lappie.i really want to get my own lappie as soon as possible and bring it to library to study !
fifthly,, i feel so annoyed by everyone,.i feel that i always trying my best to be as good as i can so that i wouldnt like hurt other people feelings but somehow all these people wouldnt do the same to me.i like always i dont know like careful with what i said or what i do so that other wont feel like hurt or what but they wont do the same.i feel like so being taken granted by everyone.if i become a biatch kan to u baru u know.
sixthly, i hate that everyone being so selfish with me padahal i try me very best to be selfless with them !
seventh,i hate that i always think things so complicated but actually they are just very simple things.
eighth, i hate all those voices in my head.i dont know where all these voices come from, but its like 24/7 in my head.like i dont know.all these voices never seems to leave me alone.like when im sleeping i can hear them.i know u guys must be thinking that im going crazy but seriously there is like voices bugging my mind of this and that 24/7.
actually, i dont know what am i crapping here.i just feel like i want to say something that really really bugging me but i cannot do it here.so i better cut all the craps short and study calculus.
i know, im like a psychotic biatch yang suka cari my own masalah hati.but its not like that.its like memang there and i cannot pretend that its no there.
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