dear bloggie,,
i have a good mood today.after blogging i would start study calculus and would not be online for the rest of the day i think. i dont know.depends la.but i determined to study calculus finish today.then if still got time, i want to study computing skill for the lab test.if tak sempat then another day la.actually, i dont what the lab test is all about and what need to study.
so this week is quite another hectic week for me.i dont know why.but i feel very tired this week.went back to uniten on monday, go class on tues as usual.but after class at 2 went to midV with subulee to find patrick's present.then reach home around 8 like that.skipped computing class.then on wed go class as usual.after that went to library to study calculus with narin and ning.then went to coe food court then went home.i skipped physics tutorial class.then thurs, go class as usual.during bi, teacher teach response essay. quite fun because we get to express our own point of view or opinion.then after class went to library to study calculus.but the securiyy guard like so bloody mengada dont let me enter in the library because im wearing tights.stupid la.whats wrong with tights la?. i feel like kind of suprise because the security guard know what is actually tights are . have to study at outside the library.went home around 4 like that nap for a while.after that went to patrick's birthday party at bangsar .quite fun.known quite a lot of people also especially boon chuan didi and dick.and im drunk during the party.stupid la me.i dont know why on earth i can drink until im drunk.then im like crap too much about things that i usually dont tell people and i keep on whack people's faces.i wont drink anymore.i promised.i told narin and he said he also always said that when he is drunk but then he still go and drink.the feeling of drunk is not nice.feel so suffered.keep on vomit and your head feels like so heavy.then the next day. thank god that im sober already.but then still feel like kind of drousy a bit.then some more on that day, need to pass up the all dokumen pengesahan and perjanjian to the ptptn officer.then my form like incomplete and the officer like very pissed with me and asked me all sort of questions but i cannot answer because i still feel drowsy and i cannot think well.after everything is done, i feel so glad.quickly went home and packed all my stuff.then wait for mummy and papa to pick me up.after went home i slept the whole afternoon.then when i woke up i only feel that im completely refresh.
so i wouldnt drink again.maybe i will but not till i drunk again la.i also tak sangka that i drink alcohol.i only drink a little during chinese new year.i just feel regret that i crapped too much to the people that i first met.i feel stupid !
so now the big sis's lappie suka sangat buat hal, so maybe i wont be blogging for quite some time.some more i will be having two tests on this coming so scared.calculus test 2 and computing skill lab test.i hope i will do well in this calculus test 2 after i did so badly in test 1 so i will study my ass off for this calculus test two.but i really dont know what am i suppose to study in computing skill lab test.anyone ?
i hope i will get my own lappie soon.please.i really need my own lappie.i want macbook pro so badly but i dont think i can have it.its expensive.mummy only budget arond rm2k.maybe buying dell or hp compaq.either one la.but most probably choosing hp compaq if got any laptop that suit mummy's budget la.
wait, i wana kecoh about this first.i watch the notebook already THREE times.anyone out there who hasnt watch the notebook, quickly watch.i cried like shit though even i watched it for the third time.the story is really touching la.i dont know what is it in that story make me cried.but i just know the story is really touching.noah love allie like so much even when allie forget him, he will still stay by her side and tell her their love story when they are young every single day.then in the end, they die together.which guy on earth would do like what noah did huhh?i bet that if all the guy's wife in this earth forget about who are them, they definitely give up on their wife and wouldnt bother and care much about their wife.seriously.i think noah is the most wonderful guy and i wish to meet a guy like him.HAHA.but he is only watak rekaan.not real.but i do wonder is there any guy like noah on this earth.
ok la.i want to watch confession of a shopaholic first then start studying calculus.
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