dear bloggie,,
im kind of lazy to blog nowadays. actually i kind of lazy sitting down at the chair facing the computer and online. thats why during this hols, i seldom online and blog as much like i used to. but im in the mood to blog tonight and after a few nights of always sleeping early, i plan to sleep late tonight and blog one whole night.
i havent report my life before this like how i always used to. haha.
lets rewind back to few weeks ago where all of u can only feel tension in the air.
its first start with physics test 2 after one week of raya hols if im not mistaken. the physics test 2 was on monday 8.30pm til 10pm. i still remember very well that i entered the exam hall dengan penuh semangat balik dengan penuh kecewa. the test was damn bloody hard like hell. i cant do much ques in that test. and that night i cried. and i called poh teng to meluahkan my feelings. i also can remember that week was like hell for me. i felt so tension and stressed for no reasons. i feel pressured by my surroundings and some stuff or conflicts in my heart that i have been keeping for quite some time an i cried alot. then on saturday had physics lab common test and i didnt go home for that week. i stayed at uniten to study for finals. then after that one whole week spent at the library busy calculus-ing and physics-ing with ning and sonny. my two companion for studying. thanks to these two people very much. they had helped me alot not only with my studies but also with my life. ngekngekngek. haha. then come the finals. eng paper was okie expect for the summary as i dont have any idea how to do the summary and how to start the summary also. thanks to eng lecturer who always cancelled classes and didnt even finish covering all the syllabus. he didnt teach us on how to do the summary but i just like main hentam on how to do the summary only. but i dont know whether i do it right or not and i didnt even count also how many words i wrote and i think i had exceeded 180 words already. calculus paper was okie i think. i dont know i skipped some questions and when the test over i start to worry whether will i manage to pass my calculus or not. on second day of the finals were physics and computing skill papers. physics paper is so bloody tough. i didnt answer lots of ques. i only like answer 7 short questions and main hentam answering two questions and didnt answer one question. in part b, i give up answering four questions. i only answer two questions. then the two questions got alot of sub questions that i didnt answer also. i really scared and worry la. i dont know if i can pass my physics or not. i just pray hard to god that i will pass. computing skill paper was i dont know. i main hentam alot and just crap alot. i really dont know. i feel so blur when doing that paper.
after the exam finished, i did feel kind of relieved but not totally relieved. i dont know. i just dont feel in the mood. and i also dont really feel in holiday mood. everyone's happy because sem break has officially started right after the exam over. but i dont know la. i dont know what i felt at that moment. i feel like kind of regret. i dont know. i also feel like kind of blur. i like huhh ? one sem has over just like that only arr? so fast. i feel regret for not studying hard the whole one sem. i hope that i take my studies seriously and not take everything for granted. if something just over like that in a very short term then whats the wrong if i just suffered for that just short term. okok. starting sem two i will start studying hard everyday. i wont tangguhkan everything till last minute again like i did and i will learn how to be organised and more independent.i shall stop depending too much on the others already. im not a baby. then on that night, went swimming with housmates. so long already didnt swim together.
so sem break hols officially started on wednesday. on wednesday i packed all my stuff and went home. i feel like kind of sad when leaving uniten. cant see .... for two weeks =(. i didnt even get to see ... for the last time also before leaving uniten.
okok. this is all. for dont know how many weeks of story that i didnt update.
the end.
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