dear bloggie,,
im very bored right now. i really dont know what to do or what to start to do first. i should start unpacking my stuff and clear my messy room. i feel like hardly can take a deep breath in this room. i wonder why do i have a dull and unexciting ife like the others. my life is so boring. i cant go out much. mummy wouldnt let me. even like i go out once in this hols, she already said i went out so many times already. like huhhh ? crazy wan r. like that also consider alot. if go out then i have to have money but i dont have the money because im very brooke right now. then, dont ever bother think of asking mummy. i know what she will say. then if got money got no transport. then if everything settle, there is no one to go out with me. everyone is busy with their life. no one bother to catch up with me =(. i know i sound very pathetic and i am pathetic. my life is so dull. i feel so sleepy already. see. what i can do one whole day is just sleep, sleep and sleep. then by this way, my day will pass fast so i wont feel the boredom so much. ok lets start appreciate the hols. see what i can do much to help myself and mummy. thats what mummy wants right. want me just to stay at home 24/7 helping her or being her good obedient nerdy child study one whole day. yeah. that day she told me that and she ask me to be a nerd so that i can get better marks. crazy la she. nerds doesnt mean clever. if bookworms yes la.
what am i suppose to do now ? i dont know la. i really feel bored. what i did in these few days is just sleeping and listen to air supply songs. right now i kind of into all these olides songs. i like air supply, bee gees, the carpenters and stevie wonder. their songs are great. when i was in high school, i found all these kind og songs in big sis lappie and start listening to it. but then i think all these songs are yuck. haha. but then now, i changed my mind. i think all these song are great. only classy people appreciate and listen to classic and oldies music. =)
i feel so bored ! ok ok. i go and start unpack my stuff right now. i will be back to crap again later.
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