dear bloggie,,
after for days searching for new blogskin and i cannot find any, i GIVE UP !!. guess that i need to stick with this blogskin forever or change back to the typical blogger template. so i just stick with this one only rather than using the blogger template that is very unattractive. it's really frustrating la cant find the blogskin that we realy wanted. whenever we click the pages with high hopes hoping to find the blogskin that we really like but then in the end u will just end up feeling disappointed.
currently, im very lazy to blog. not really in the mood and obsses to blog like last time. my brain has run up of ideas which will never happen before. i've been very lazy ever since the sem break holiday started. all i've been doing is just sleep, sleep, sleep, eat, eat, eat, and more sleep. yeah. i know i sound like a pig. i sleep early in the night and wake up late in the morning and when i woke from sleep, i will staright away go to attack my kitchen and grab whatever foos i can reached like orang gila tak makan for days. even after onlining doing nothing much for like fifteen minutes, i will feel sleepy and faster run to bed and sleep. yeah. i know i sound like a total pig.
i didnt even unpack my stuff yet after coming back from uniten. the room is so messy. hall is so dirty. need to clean it up soon. especially my messy room. if depends on meiyi while i was away to clean the room, u need a miracle to happen. she pun another pig yang kononnya nak spm this year couldnt be bother much to clean the room. whenevr u ask her why didnt she clean the room, she will answer the room is not dirty pun. zzzz. so tak payah la nak harap on her.
should i write down a list of what i should so during hols. i dont know. i feel that my hols is very boring and u know what. i cant wait to get back to uniten. yeah, i know i sound like orang tak tahu bersyukur ada holiday for two weeks tak tahu nak hargai. but i really do miss uniten. and i feel so enthusiastic to start sem 2. better than the semangat i first enter uniten la. like dengan hati yang tak rela. i dont know why. but i miss uniten so much already. i also very miss ilmu, my hostel. and i kind of scared to start the new sem. sem 2 will be much harder. i wonder can i even survive or not. i dont know. and my new timetables sucks !! all my classes starts at 8 early in the morning and i have 3 hours class on fri !!! thats mean i have to wake up on 7. then i dont have any friends in my new class. except rooben, the super tall guy, sonny friend, that one also same phy class only. im so jealous of sulee, ahbui and sonny. they all in the same class.arrrggghhhhh!! not fair !!! ning ning also not in the same class with me. i wonder whether i can survive or not without her. but kind of good also what not in the same class with them. if i want to skipped class not like anyone will scold me or know. HAHA. then its also my chance to learn how to stand on my own feet and stop depending on people too much like how i did in sem 1. i keep on depend on ning ning, sonny and boon chuan. for god sake la, they also need to take care for themselves, then need to take care of me pulak. so menyusahkan people only la me. always become people burden only. okok. sem 2 i will start studying hard, rajin go class and do all the homeworks like tutor. hope i will do what i say.
okok. enough with all these crap.
i feel like eating again !! bye.
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