dear bloggie,,
right now im so super full and my stomach is so bloated!.i ate a lot today.first i ate lou mai kai in the morning.then asam laksa in the afternoon.then chocolate cake.then i went to sleep.after that i straight away eat yong taufu and again asam laksa.i have to finish up all the asam laksa since im the one who ask mummy to cook it.if not they will blame me say "haa don't want to eat,, waste a lot of money then also put alot of energy to cook r i very old and so tired cook for u so hard u dowan eat"blablablablablablabla.haha.hmm.tomorrow mummy,, papa ,,big sis and anguh going to see gradma.i also want to go.but unfortunately i have to stay at home and study ekonomi asas.suddenly the pressure come back again like yesterday.today im like doing revision on the form 5 chapters.wahhhh.so a lot lot need to read le.form 4 got 5 chapters only also like more little than form 5 which only got 3 chapters.(*big sigh*).never mind la i sure can study finish wan.then with this est.so scary la.i very scared want to write the reports.i always don't have additional information.i forget already how i use to study est.i just can remember i used to look back at all the answer sample and see how they write their reports and take the additional info.
(*big sigh*)tommorow got bm additional class.i really really don't want to go.
i rather stay at home study ea than go bm extra class see pn mumtaz.
i have to get back to my study la.
(*big sigh*)
later at 10pm got SUPERNATURAL! :)
HAVE TO study ea now.