dear bloggie,,
S A T U R DAY,4TH of April '09hmmm..i can't really flash back what happen on last
saturday.i have a short term memory.what happen that day will be forgotten the next day when i woke up from sleep.haha.hmmm.ok i woke up at around 8.then i check my hp i saw
po's message.i don't know what time she sent me but she asked me to come earlier and company her because i told her earlier that i won't be going to school so early.so after reading the message i try my best to get ready fast but then papa was like so slow.big sis send papa to work 1st then me to school.mummy wanted to follow but i didn't allow her to follow because i don't know why.haha.i might have some pop up plan and yeah i had some pop up plan that day.instead of going home i tagged along with them to
midV.haha.the stupidest thing was i didn't bring money at all because i thought we might get some money from the school to show some appreciations for our hard works.haha.but unfortunately we all didn't get any
$.yeah yeah i know i sounds like a money minded bitch right now. but we all are moneyu minded when we are broke.haha.so i borrowed rm 43 from
po.haha.then when i reach the school i quickly find
po.then i saw her with them chatting and i was shocked to see what she was wearing.haha.but she told me earlier already that her blouse is not pretty.haha.then i went to register my name at the pendaftaran.the
cik radha saw me and asked
"this is grace r?" in very friendly tone that im like
"yeah yeah teacher it's me".then suddenly she "
haaa grace do u know that today we must dress formally, why are u wearing jeans?".*big sigh*
.then she said
"i don't know whether they will let u up the stage or not later".then im like
yerrr at her then suddenly i saw
pn jamilah.but she was like ok.she didn't like so sarcastic
tegur me for wearing jeans.then we went up to meet the others and i saw
cMC.she was wearing a blazer and 1 inch thick of foundation.haha.but seriously thick la.after evry1 gather already we went to the padang because got
perarakan worrr.im like don't want to do this but cannot and so im like so super embarrased because had to join that stupid
perarakan.then we already sitted at our place then the teacher like start to
bising bising because me and
po wearing jeans.when
pn mumtaz came im like so super scared and i really don't know what to do.then
po like kena attack by the new
HEM pn zarina.she's like so irritating and try want to
berlagak tegas so that she will be admire by other teacher.hahahhhahhha.so before taking our prizes me,,
po and
ping had to changed to ugly pants then everything happen so quickly.then i just know at the moment im like so disapointed because no
$.then went to canteen.talked to
pn mumtaz and all the "misunderstand" alredy solved.actually to her the misunderstanding or
pertelingkahan over a long time ago. im like the only one who think that it's still not over.ohhh yea.before went to canteen i talked and took some pics wit
pn jayanthi.and i said something stupid and i do mean really stupid to her about
pn puva's husband.and i don't know why when i saw her im like so happy and exicted. i like talk to her non-stop.this was our conversation that day.
me : hi tacher how are u?(shake hand)
pn jayanthi : hi grace.im fine.how are u.congrats grace.me : thank u teacher.(sddnly i like split out evrythg that what i had been thinking lately) teacher,i don't know what i want do with my future.it seems very hard.i wana go to nottingham but i can't go because it's too expensive.ok i got some scholarship from nottingham but still the balance is still too much to pay.when i want to apply another scholarship but all the scholarships only support degrees studies and none support foundation.then the foundation i have to pay anothr 20 000 and my family really broke now so i think there's like no point of getting good result in spm to get scholarship to further our studies because in the end we have to study form 6.(i like talk non-stop and pn jayanthi didn't have the opportunity to cut what am i saying)pn jayanthi : do u apply utm?me : utm?pn jayanthi : uni teknologi msia.u don't need to form 6 or matrix.me : ooo,i'll check later.pn jayanthi : don't worry grace the luck will come to u soon.(haha,im waiting.seriously im really waiting and put hope on what she said)me : hmm.thank u teacher.teacher, where is pn puva??
pn jayanthi : ooo.she went back to her hometown because her sis passed away.me : haaaa,then pn puva is like so pity.pn jayanthi : ooo,but her sis is already expected.me : (i said something really stupid)ooo.is her husband expected too?(really really stupid right but pn jayanthi thought i think that pn puva passed away because of disease or something like that)pn jayanthi : nooo la.*end of conservation*
then at canteen i saw
pn ummi and other few teachers. i told
pn ummi that i apply scholarship from
ytm to enter
mmu but i didn't give my result.then
pn ummi is like very
geram with me.i don't know why.she scolded me said why can do work until so
lalai wan.if u din give your result how they want to give u scholarship.then i just like laugh.yea i know im so stupid.apply for scholarship but didn't give result.after waited for everyone to come then we finally start to go to the
ktm.well i and
suba went first.then
ramesh went there by his bike.when we reach there the train like just arrived.then when want to run fast to get in the train the train already left.ok so at
midV.first we went to the cinema.then the queue was like so super long.so we went to eat lunch at
burger's king.i ate chicken tender.something like mcD mCnuggets.i don't feel like eating that moment and feel more like drinking.that's why i ordered something light.then i like told
po bout that.then
law interrupt said yala yala u very clever.then
law and
mtv went up to but muvee tickets.they like queued for an hour i think to reach the counter.after that they went to secret recipe while me,,
poh teng and
ping went to shop.hahaha.went to
pdi.po bought
her shirt.then when want to leave the store i only saw the tee that i like real real much.then i had to bought it for rm29.
rugi rm 10.because if we bought two tee the two tee will only cost rm39 and i can shared it with
po.but then.*big sigh*.whatever.after that they went to watch muvee and i went home.while i was waiting for the train i saw lots of
insane freako hamsap guy.they are like so disgusting.when im like ter-looked at them they like
syok sendiri think i like them and then keep on looked at me.im like so disgust with them.like ewwwwww.
kajang around 5.then around 5.30 only mummy and papa fetched me.then we straight away went to
hospital selayang to visit grandma beside mummy.grandma is like super ill.she could not talk.i don't really know what sickness is she having but it seems like really
teruk.im like kind of scared because it's like time.do u know what i mean.i mean it's like the time for her to leave.then suddenly mummy started crying and i also don't know why but i also started crying.i really scared.and i was thinking does she like
puas hati with her pass life.did she lived her life happily??what will my grandpa do without her by him side.if she really pass away then what will happen to my grandpa life?because i know my grandpa really loves my grandma very much.then suddenly i picture myself in my grandma position.then i feel really scared with death.it's like no joke at all.and it's like really really scary.i don't know im just very scared.at that moment i think that i must live my life happily and appreciate my life.so that when it's time for me to go then i could flash back all the happy memories.after visit grandma we straight away went home.reach home around 11.30 pm.bath then watched tv till i sleep on the couch.
few pics before i hit the 'PUBLISH POST' button.
my name sticked at my sit
me and po before taking prizes
us before taking prizes
us with teacher jayanthi after taking prizes
me and po at midV(i look like kind of drunk)
my certificate.
my certificate with trophy.